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The Step-By-Step Method In Doberman Crate Training

2016/5/4 10:26:25

Are you going no where in Doberman crate training? Well, you just have to know the steps in Doberman crate training.

Doberman crate training is one of the methods in house training Doberman dogs. It gained popularity among dog experts because of the constant debates of which Doberman crate training is believed to be inhumane for Doberman dogs. Some have stated the view that dogs must not be put inside the crate because it is a form of deprivation of their liberty. While on the other hand, majority of the dog training society believe that Doberman crate training is good for doberman dogs because inherently they have den instincts. This instinct would give them the feeling of comfort in staying inside the crate as their comfort den.

For a proper Doberman crate training, learn the four steps below:

Doberman crate training step 1: Introduce your dog to the crate. If it is your first time to crate-train your Doberman, be sure that you introduce the crate as their comfort zone and not as a punishment den. I would like to point that Doberman have various level of temperament. Some Doberman may immediately love to stay in a crate while others may have tendency to get nervous when they see the crate. This maybe due to traumas that they have experience from past owners. So,help your doberman know that doberman crate training is the most comfortable training that he could have.

In that case, we must take time until they will get use with the crate. You can begin with talking to them in a happy tone by telling them that crate is the comfortable place for them. Leave the door open and allow them to enter the crate by themselves but make sure that they won't get hurt by the door and be frightened to it.

Doberman crate training step 2: Feeding your Doberman inside the crate. If your Doberman is starting to like their new place then you can begin to feed them near the crate until they will associate their meal time with the crate.

Remember that you can only let them feed inside the crate when they are already comfortable inside it. You will know it when the signs of fear is no longer manifest in them.

Doberman crate training step 3: Crating periods. Remember that crates must be use for only short periods of time. Avoid confining your Doberman inside the crate beyond 3 hours because they might get destructive and hurt themselves if you're not around. But for the mean time, when you wish to go out and see someone for a minute, you can crate your Doberman by encouraging him to enter the crate and giving him treats or toys.

If they enter without hesitations, then it's time to praise him. Then, slowly close the door of the crate and sit beside the crate for a maximum of ten minutes and then go to another room for a couple of minutes. Return and observe his behavior, sit again close to the crate repeating the same procedure and then let him out from the crate. You can do it for several days until they will get used with their crate.

Doberman crate training step 4: Crating your Doberman at night.Sleeping with your buddy near you can make strong bonds. Especially, when your Doberman are yet puppies, they need full supervision that even at night they may call your attention for them to go potty or pee. They will whine, scratch or bark to let you understand that they need to go out from the crate.

Ideally, putting the crate beside your bedroom or even inside the bedroom can help you to attend immediately to the needs of your Doberman puppy dogs. But be careful in crating your older Doberman dogs because they might associate the crate with social isolation. Thus, it is important to introduce them properly to the crate. Also, crates must not be abuse by using it as punishment den.

The above mentioned four Doberman crate training steps are helpful only if you give it at least a try. You can not just ignore and jump into conclusions regarding crate training but it is important to apply the proper steps.

Marcus Stephens "The Dog Guy" has owned and trained dogs for over 20 years. He is the founder of the popular website "Fix Doberman Crate Training Problems". Get a FREE report which reveals ways on how to stop Doberman crate training problemsfor good at=>