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Tips For Flying With Your Dog

2016/5/4 10:25:25

When taking your dog with you on a plane, airlines will require a lot of things from you and your dog. These flights generally require the same kind of things and differ only in some specific objects. Here are the guidelines in taking your dog for a flight.

Dogs Cannot Travel Alone

Understand that dogs are considered to be cargo, or just the same as your luggage. When you take a plane, you can't have your luggage going alone. You would have to be in that plane with your luggage. You cant have your luggage take the plane alone. If you cannot do so, you must have some licensed pet transportation company, carry your dog from one location to another.

Pets Inside the Cabin Area

Some airlines allow pets in their cabin areas. The size of the in-cabin kennel is usually 22 inches by 9 inches. If your pet is able to fit in this cage, then you can have him with you in the cabin. The cost for these cages is commonly under a hundred dollars. They are a very useful improvement in air transport since the cargo hold is generally not accepted as a safe place for pets and sometimes they cost quite a lot, too.

Health Condition

Airlines require that your dog should have some recent medical certificate clearing him of any disease or infection like rabies. Your dog must be free from these diseases before they would be allowed to travel with you on the plane. Aside from that, the medical examination must be done just recently, not years before.

Weather Conditions

The cargo hold of a plane can get quite hot and because of this, some restrictions are imposed on certain weather conditions at certain times of the year. If, for example, the temperature on the arrival or departure city is going to be quite hot, at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit, then they will not allow pets to be admitted on the plane.

International Flights

The laws of other nations may not allow the passage of pet animals in their country and so these airlines will have to comply with that. So, if you are considering taking an international flight, you may not be able to do so with your favorite pet.

These then are the things that one would have to consider before thinking of going on a flight in a plane with your dog. Remember that your dog will not be allowed to travel by himself, that you have the option of carrying him with you in the cabin, that health and weather conditions can affect the possibility of taking him with you, and that you may never take him with you in international flights.

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