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Dog Wheelchairs And Their Impact

2016/5/4 10:23:58

Just a few decades back, dogs that have lost the use of their fore or hind limbs were often written off. Not necessarily out of coldness hard heartedness or cruelty of pet owners, some people actually made such decisions out of love. Thinking that their pets would not be happy being unable to move around under own strength and power, not having any semblance of freedom and independence, pet owners chose to euthanize them that leave them "in pain." These were the choices they thought they had to make.

These days, we all know that there are more options available for pets and their owners. Dog wheelchairs alone have made a big difference on such choices. Many dogs on these dog wheelchairs have shown that they can lead full contented and happy lives just like their regular four-leg powered counterparts.

In truth, the commercial side of the pet-loving community has truly risen up and embraced the idea of supporting disabled or mobility challenged pets by designing and creating actual products for pets on dog wheelchairs. An assortment of products and services intended to make caring for these now wheelchair bound best friends a little bit easier are now available. Sure, some of them are on the far side of frivolous, but others are truly useful and important to the everyday care of mobility challenged pets, especially those on dog wheelchairs.

One could almost say that these products are dog wheelchair accessories. They compliment the use of the popular mobility aid so much that they are in many cases, vital to them. Take the dog wheelchair ramp for example, even in single storey homes, there are bound to be a step or two that will make it difficult for your wheeled pets to negotiate or worse, pose a danger of further injury. These ramps have proven so useful to pets on wheelchairs and so easily adaptable to homes that various makers have sprung up everywhere.

Now, these ramps can be found in all sorts of configurations to accommodate any and all dog wheelchairs and homes (home décor and architecture), much to the delight of pet owners who need them. As much as they love their pets, they love their homes as well, and now, they have more options with regard to meeting the needs of all the members of the family, including the family dog.

Learn how you can make your handicapped dog's life easy through dog wheelchairs and other dog mobility products at