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Treating Ear Infections In Dogs

2016/5/4 10:20:46

Depending on the breed of your dog, the ear infections may be a regular problem for your pet. Some breeds are more susceptible to the infections in other breeds. One sign that your dog has an ear infection is you may see him or her scratching unnaturally at one of his or her ears. This next part may sound quite gross, but your veterinarian will tell you the best way to detect an ear infection is to smell the ear. In fact, we suspect an ear infection and take your dog to the vet, one of the first things the doctor may do is smell the ear. If there is an infection will be a strong and pungent odor coming from the ear.

Fortunately, ear infections and canines are relatively easy to treat if they are not allowed to progress significantly. Your veterinarian will provide you with medicine in a bottle with a dropper which can be placed into the dog's ears quite easily. The best way to add the drops is by laying the dog on his or her side in lifting the ear and dropping the required number of drops into the opening. Once the drops are inside you need to rub around on the ear massage the canal in order for the medicine to travel deeply enough into the ear.

Follow the directions from your vet on how often to provide the medication to your dog. But usually two or three treatments per day for a week is enough to get rid of any infections. Also remember that dogs who plan water, just like humans who are swimming, may develop more infections than those who do not. If your dog is prone to this problem, it may be advisable for you to keep him or her out of the water during certain times of the year. The infections seem to be more prevalent in the warm summer months than in the colder winter months. And again, the breed of your dog can highly determine the susceptibility that he or she has for the infections.

What you have provided the dog with the necessary dosages and the time suggested by the veterinarian, smell your dogs ear again to see if the pungent odor has left. If it has, it's probably safe to say the infection has been all but cleared up until the next time it returns. Usually the infections occur only in one ear at a time and treatments are only required for that one side.

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