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Pig Farming - Steps in Raising Pigs That Can Give You Satisfaction and Money

2016/5/4 10:19:13

Pig farming is a field that can give you satisfaction and a hefty amount of money if you do it right. Whether you want to keep pigs as pets (Contrary to popular belief, they make interesting ones!) or sell them out for their meat, may this article serve as a guide for you by giving you clear steps in raising pigs.

The fundamental element of raising pigs lies on the construction of a spacious and properly-ventilated pig pen. Start by searching for the most ideal place in your farm for the installation of a pig pen. A flat area is necessary, and it should be free from mud and stagnant water that can attract insects that can bite your pets. How large your area is depends on the number of pigs you wish to initially take care of. Research intensively for good quality hog wire, fencing hardware and concrete slabs to make the pig pen as comfortable as it can be.

Take note however that fences should be buried six inches into the ground before attaching the hog wire for sturdiness. Ensure that the pigs cannot stand up on these slabs or jump over it. Pigs are curious animals, and they tend to roam around too much. Concrete slabs are needed to ensure proper flooring and easy cleanup. Hay and straw should be abundant in the pen, as it absorbs the odors when pigs relieve themselves. Contrary to popular belief, pigs are organized individuals, so assign specific areas for them to play, feed, relieve themselves and sleep on to.

Build a roof for this pig pen. Pig farmers prefer making pig houses instead, so it can shelter your pigs from harsh weather. Pigs are sensitive animals that are easily distracted even by the faint thunder of flash of lightning.

Upon building your pig pen, it's time to search and select carefully for your pets. Aim to get those of the highest quality. Contact a seller as he is the one in position to discern the high quality from the mediocre breeds. Also, he is knowledgeable as to what breed you should take care of depending on your purpose for raising pigs.Now that you have selected the best quality of pigs, taking care of them will be a breeze. Remember the basics of moderating their intake and properly cleaning their pens to keep them healthy, and you cannot go wrong on this venture.

So keep these points in mind. You will find that learning more tips on steps in raising pigs does not need to be difficult when you're learning from someone who have experienced. If you would like more tips on pig farming and how to raise pigs, take a look at: