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Duck Farming - Importance of Keeping Farm Records If You Want a Profitable Duck Business

2016/5/4 10:18:59

It is worth keeping a record of what happens on your farm. Not every one finds keeping records easy or useful. It seems a hassle, but it is fun. Normally for a short term and for a small flock you can remember the most important information. But if you plan in keeping ducks for a longer time and if you want to make a business you need to keep track of what happens. Depending on your type of business you can keep track of:

1) how many eggs are laid every day 2) how much food you give every day 3) the costs you make on feeding and health care 4) the investment you have made to build a shed 5) which ducks are good breeders and which are not 6) how many eggs you incubate and the date you have put them to incubate 7) how many eggs hatch 8) how many of the hatched ducklings survive and how many die

This is not a complete list, neither a compulsory list. You decide yourself of which information you keep a record, depending on the type of your business.The information you gather can help you to make management decisions or help you to find a solution to a problem. For example:

1) When you know when you put eggs to incubate, you can calculate the date that they will hatch. You can then prepare for caring for the ducklings in time.. 2) You can estimate when you will need to replace ducks as they reach the end of their productive period.

The most critical element of duck farming is finding the right breed for you. You may refer to a duck farming guide and learn what breed would be suitable for you. Some breeds are raised for the purposes of their meat and eggs. Some breeds are ornamental while others can help you in breeding. Studying will help acquaint you with the diverse breeds that you may choose to raise.

Duck farming is fun and rewarding, too. It can also be a great source of livelihood. Certainly, you will need to have the right duck farming guide so that you will be able to get the full benefits. Ducks are known to be strong birds. They are not affected easily by some bird diseases not like turkeys and chickens. However, you still need to practice proper care. Hope this simple duck farming guide gave a head start in your new exciting venture.

Searching for tips on raising ducks? The most crucial part of keeping ducks is choosing what breed you will keep. If you would like to learn more about duck farming, please visit: