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Breed Facts You Need to Know for Easy Vizsla Training

2016/5/4 10:15:33

Vizslas are often times confused for Redbone Coonhounds, Weimaraners and Rhodesian Ridgebacks in terms of appearance. Although the appearance does not necessarily affect a dog's personality, it is still important for a Vizsla owner to know every vital information about the breed for such facts can be used when trying to determine Vizsla training strategies that would ideally suit his pet.

- The Vizsla is a medium-sized breed yet lean and have defined muscles. The standard for this breed calls for golden-rust color in different shadings which can also be described as copper/brown, russet gold and dark sandy gold. The average height for males is 22-25 inches and 21-24 inches for females. Males should weigh 45-66 pounds while females weigh 40-55 pounds.

- Unlike the physical appearance, the temperament of a Vizsla affects the training the same way it affects the dog-owner relationship. Vizslas are very high energy dogs thus they need to be given activities and exercise to keep them physically as well as mentally busy. Activities for Vizslas usually involve retrieving, be it on land or water, given their natural instincts as pointers and retrievers. On the contrary, rough treatment and harsh Vizsla training are not advisable for this breed considering their gentle, caring and highly affectionate personality.

- The Vizsla is a healthy breed and may live up to 10-14 years however poor breeding may cause hip dysplasia, canine epilepsy and sebaceous adenitis. Health issues such as hypothyroidism, dwarfism, lymphosarcoma as well as skin and food allergies can also be seen among this breed. By knowing such health issues, it won't be too complicated for you to plan what training strategies to use. Additionally, the health issues are also less likely to worsen since you know what activities to avoid and what to pursue.

Although the coat color or length may not be significant when it comes to training, it still pays to know those information especially if you consider having your pet registered to a particular kennel club. Knowing the size on the other hand can help you regulate your pet's food intake to prevent obesity.

Training a Vizsla to become a well-mannered dog you have been dreaming of shouldn't be a pain in the neck nor it is supposed to cause frustration on your part. Training should be fun both for you and your dog. Additionally, it is also one of the best ways to bond with your pet and know more about each other. It is during training that loyalty, beautiful friendship and great love grow. You might as well enjoy every moment of Vizsla training!

Chloe Brooks is mad about Vizslas. By being a Vizsla owner for many years, she has learned a lot of Vizsla training tips she now shares at her site dedicated to Vizsla training.