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The Boom And Bust Of Bed Bug Infestations

2016/5/4 10:10:40

While the initial resurgence of bed bug infestations in urban areas of the continental United States has begun to wain a bit the worry caused by the initial wave and the rumors that surrounded it will likely last for years. The whirlwind of worry and reporting on the bed bug resurgence was enough to make anyone and everyone itch. It was as if there was some sort of massive not so secret outbreak that was bound to end up in your lap, or more likely your mattress in no time. If it did not wind up a part of your life you simply got worried that it might. Cure late night Googling out of worry that you may have a subtle bed bug infestation. (These things are rarely subtle.)

So with paranoia still raging away and the bed bug return still a thing worth being concerned about, vigilance and excellent bed bug services are still important. You need all of the exterminators and bed bug canine companies around simply to avoid having the sort of wild and uncontrollable outbreaks we have just gone through.

The reason that bed bugs came back so strong, at least part of the reason, is that when bed bugs came back people had no sense of how to handle them. Even exterminators with years in the game had not dealt with the problem in some time. As a result people attempted to simply spray them out of their homes with basic canned bug sprays. Worse, many simply got rid of everything they owned dumping furniture, clothes, linens and anything else they worried was infested into their regular garbage bringing even more bed bugs to the street where they could easily latch on to any and all passers by(not to mention hard working sanitation workers).

As things spread the market, as it so often does, stepped in to handle the problem. Bed bug sniffing dogs were trained, exterminators found more effective ways to bomb homes and get into the floor boards where bed bugs can live undetected for long periods of time, the world stepped up to the plate of handling this bed bug problem. As a result over the last few years after a huge uptick, the numbers of reported infestations started to flat line and eventually go down. The whole thing played out only within a small window of time, relatively speaking.

The key now is to keep these services up to snuff even as the number of infestations dwindles. The key to that is in the company's that have developed all of these methods of sniffing out and destroying these pests. Hopefully, they don't get lazy.

When it comes to knowing for sure that you are dealing with a bed bug infestation the only sure way is utilizing bed bug sniffing dogs. The Bed Bug Professionals have been at it for some time, assuring people that they have or do not have bed bugs quickly and discreetly.