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Penguin the Flightless Bird

2016/5/4 10:10:29

Penguins are one of the species of birds that are unable to fly. They live in the southern hemisphere of the world and are excellent swimmers. They spend their lives both on land and in the water. They go in the water in order to hunt their prey. These kinds of birds are carnivores, and they typically eat squid, fish, and other creatures that live in the water. The smallest species of penguin is 16 inches tall, and the largest penguins are over 3 feet tall.

Penguins are excellent swimmers because their bodies have been made in such a way that they are adapted to it. The feathers of penguins are specially made to assist them with not only swimming, but also for life in the Antarctic. It is essential for the penguin's feathers to be able to keep the birds warm in order for them to be able to survive in frigid temperatures. Their feathers trap air near the penguin's body that assists the birds to be able to swim easily. The black and white colors of the penguins help them to hide from any predators that may be around.

You can easily figure out how deep a penguin will dive underwater because of their size. Of course, penguins hunt for their prey under the water, but they hunt at different depths depending on their size. Smaller penguins do not dive far under the surface of the water. However, larger penguins are able to dive deeper and can go as deep as 5 meters underwater. The size of the penguin also tells us how long a penguin can stay under water. The smaller ones stay underwater for about 2 minutes at a time, while the larger ones can stay underwater for about 20 minutes. Penguins have excellent eyesight, even when they are underwater, and this is how they are able to catch their prey. They are also able to keep away from predators because of their keen eyesight.

It is essential for penguins to be able to maintain the temperatures of their bodies because they live in the Antarctic where the weather is freezing. Not only do penguins get insulation from their feathers, but they are also able to control the flow of their blood. If they become too cold, they huddle together in order to keep warm.

When it comes to mating, penguins stay together for their entire lives. Typically, penguins will lay two eggs at a time, and the male and female take turns keeping the eggs warm. However, the emperor penguin species is slightly different, because the male of this bird incubate the eggs. The females are the ones that go out in search of food.

In most cases, penguins are attacked by predators when they are in the water. Some of their predators are seals.

Penguin is a flightless bird that is well adapted to live in the cold Antarctic regions. They live in flocks and feed on fish. Also, they are highly social birds.