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The Positive Way To Dog Training!

2016/5/4 10:09:43

Dog and puppy are like people, they need that extra attention or shove in the right direction to do something they really are not that interested in doing. Dogs do not care if they ripped your most expensive shoes. It is fun for them and if you do not intervene, they will not stop. Dogs are motivated to do things a lot like people-by rewards, praise and building trust. For desired behaviour, positive reinforcement must be associated with positive thoughts. Timing and consistency are also vital in positive reinforcement.

Timing and Consistency
Timing is important because positive reinforcement must come immediately after the act in order for your dog to make the proper associations between the reward and the act. Always keep your commands short in for the dog to understand! They must be consistency at home as to what behaviours are being praised. Be sure to reward him with a treat or praise each time he does something correctly. Once your dog is more accustomed and show obedience in a certain command, you can begin to wean him off treats and lower the intensity of praise.

Building Good Relationship
You can help your dog stay focused and motivated with obedience training by building good relationship with your dog. Dogs are social animals and need the interaction you can provide. Dogs that are often left alone all day or left outside for long periods of time, cannot build up trust with their owner. It is important to understand why your dog is having a behaviour problem in the first place and then work together to correct it. A lot of time behaviour problem is the product of the dog being left alone. Perhaps your dog digs up the flower bed in the house because they have separation anxiety, or have a fear of being left alone while you are away. By understanding these reasons you can help your dog overcome obstacles and motivate their way to obedience.

Rewards are often the easiest way to motivate your doggie into obedience. It is often hard to keep the attention of your dog. During obedience training, they become easily distracted. It is important to keep your dog's training fun and interesting. Giving your dog rewards throughout the training session and at different times will help keep your dog focused and motivated. A random stimulus that your dog understands as positive is a great way to keep your dog ready for the next command.

When your dog has performed a request for you, that is the time to offer a positive reward. Rewards for dogs do not always have to come in the form of doggie treats, a gentle pat on the head or a rub on the belly or a trip to the park or even a game of catch is all sufficient to keep a dog happy. Training sessions can benefit as long as your dog understands that when he or she performs a command, he or she will be rewarded. Giving your dog a reward is the perfect way to keep your him or her ready to learned and motivated during obedience training.

Positive Body Language
We must always approach our dog in a positive manner as they are very adept at sensing our feelings and emotions. If we are frustrated with our dog for not performing commands well, he or she will sense this and it will be harder to keep your dog motivated when we are not motivated. Our tone of voice is very important to our dog and though they may not understand every word we say, they understand when we are upset or excited by the way we talk. Be very excited and upbeat because this will encourage your dog to learn commands and perform better for you. Above all, always remember to praise your dog for job well done!

Use direct eye contact to praise your dog when we are happy and pleased and sternly when we are annoyed by his behaviour as the dog understands these body languages. When training your dog, think about how your body language and tone of voice can motivate your dog.

Getting your dog to learn new tricks is really not impossible. With a lots of love and positive reinforcement, your dog is well on his way to becoming the most well-behaved dog!

It is always important NOT to just give your dog affection but it should be followed with exercise and discipline that he or she may grow to be an all rounded, obedient and healthy dog! For more information about dog training tips and guides to bring up healthy and happy doggies, please visit: