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Responsibilities of Labradoodle Breeders

2016/5/4 10:09:34

The Labradoodle, a special breed of dogs resulting from the mixing of two bloodlines -- the mild-mannered Labrador Retriever and the intelligent Poodle -- is one of today's most sought-after pets. They make great pets because of their intelligence and mild temperament -- qualities in a dog families, especially those with small children, look for.

When looking for a Labradoodle, there are a number of things you need to consider before you bring your new pet home. Surprisingly, your investigations should begin even before you look at any potential pets. It is important to do your homework and start researching Labradoodle breeders thoroughly prior to visiting their litters to avoid any problems, heartache, or disappointment both now and in the future.

A responsible breeder will be experienced and open to discussing any concerns with prospective buyers. They should be willing to answer your questions and they should have questions of their own for you. Observe how they interact with the dogs. It is a good thing if they seem connected to their animals because it shows that they care and are committed to finding them a good home.

The Australian Labradoodle Association (ALA) has a code of ethics that accredited breeders must abide by. It states that as a minimum, dogs must be properly housed, fed and exercised as well as receiving appropriate veterinary care. Additionally, puppies must not be sold before they reach eight weeks of age and the ALA encourages breeders to spray and neuter early to protect the integrity of the breed for future offspring.

It is the responsibility of Labradoodle breeders to check that their stock is free of diseases as well as genetic disorders and provide a guarantee against life-threatening defects. Proper records must also be kept relating to diet, veterinary care and vaccinations as well as any early training that is undertaken. All of this information is to be made readily available to any prospective buyers and when looking for the right Labradoodle to bring home to your family, you should be sure to ask to see it.

It is not uncommon for people to meet with a breeder any number of times before purchasing to ensure they feel comfortable that they have made the right choice for their needs. Responsible Labradoodle breeders should have no problems with this process. Once you feel confident you have the right breeder, it is all fun and games choosing the perfect Labradoodle addition to your family.

To ensure that you bring home the right Labradoodle for you and your family, check out - where you can find dedicated and committed Australian Labradoodle breeders.