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Simple Solutions To Your Pest Problem

2016/5/4 10:08:52

We often associate pests with dingy and dirty properties that haven't had a clean in a long time; this however is not always the case. Any home or organisation could be hit at any point by creepy crawlies and critters; and we should constantly be on the look out to see if we've been hit.

Both inside and outside areas can fall victim to unwanted visitors; from overflowing bins outside, to crumbs and mess inside, no environment is closed off from the perspective of the pest. The most common pests include mice and rats, ants and other bugs, and even though they might not be thought of one; birds can also cause great problems in terms of damage and contamination.

Carrying tonnes of bacteria and diseases, it's no wonder why we don't want pests invading our homes and businesses. Not only do we want to protect ourselves, but we also want to provide a good impression to visitors and clients; taking this into consideration, it's best to spot a problem early before it gets out of control. So what should we be looking out for?

Although mice and rats tend to come out later at night, the most common sign for spotting that you've had visitors in the evening is droppings. They're usually easy to spot and identify, and can be used by specialists to tell how serious the infestation is, and the type of problem they may be dealing with. With this knowledge at hand, they'll be able to deal with the issue more efficiently.

Another one of the major pests, and this usually focuses around summer time, but can be any time in the year, is bugs such as ants, beetles, slugs and snails. Nobody likes coming into contact with these, and it can leave you with a slimy or itchy feeling when you know the problem is still there. To combat this, there are many different actions you can take depending on the pest. However in some cases of extreme infestations, it's best to get in the experts.

Finally, one of the least thought of pests are birds; although we may have them nesting outside of our windows, and waking us up in the morning; the common pigeon is seen as less harmful. This however isn't true; holding lots of different types of bacteria and disease, they really do earn their nickname 'rats with wings' in terms of how harmful they can be to our health. Birds are often trickier to handle; hiding up in high up places, or burrowing themselves in lofts and small spaces, they can be difficult to get rid of; however luckily for us, there are lots of specialists out there that can help us with any issues.

If there is one thing that businesses and home owners need to do is fix any rodent control problem and you can contact your local pest control company.