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How To Prepare For Your New Puppy's Arrival

2016/5/4 10:07:11

When parents-to-be are awaiting the arrival of their bundle of joy they busily prepare the room, the home and themselves for the new baby. In all of their efforts to get themselves prepared for the baby's arrival, some parents-to-be forget to prepare the four-legged members of the family. Adding a baby to the family unit is an adjustment for the entire family, including the dog. Spend some time following the steps below in order to prepare your dog for your baby's arrival.

Step 1: Allow your dog to participate in the decoration of the baby's nursery. He will be curious about all of the activity happening in the room and you should allow him to sniff around. Let him see all of the furniture, but do not ever allow him to lie down on the baby's items or put them in his mouth. Also, the dog should never be allowed in the baby's room without your permission. If necessary, keep the door closed until you've been able to teach your dog this important boundary.

Step 2: Introduce your dog to the apparatuses that come with a baby. Many dog owners report that it isn't the baby that causes the dog great alarm; it's the stroller or the vibrating chair, etc. Once again, allow your dog to see and sniff these items before the baby comes home.

Step 3: Introduce the dog to sounds he may hear upon the baby's arrival. If possible, it would be great if you can produce crying baby sounds so the dog can become familiar with that sound. (Believe it or not, your baby will cry once you bring him home!) Introduce him to other sounds as well, such as the crib mobile or toys that make noise.

Step 4: Introduce your dog to other babies. Although your friends might not necessarily want their baby to be the "guinea pig" for your dog, it's important that your dog be exposed to babies before you bring one home from the hospital.

Step 5: Take a practice walk. When you bring the new baby home you'll want to make sure to keep up your walking routine with your dog. Because of that, you'll need to prepare the dog for the act of walking alongside the stroller. You might feel silly at first, but you need to take the empty stroller and practice walking your dog and the (future) baby at the same time. Your dog will need to learn where he can walk on the sidewalk and how he can avoid having his paws run over by the stroller.

Step 6: The nose always knows. Once the baby is born, have someone take a blanket that the baby has worn in the hospital and introduce it to your dog. This should be done prior to the baby's arrival. The dog will be able to familiarize himself with the new baby's scent. This way, he should actually recognize the baby by smell when it comes time to introduce the baby and dog nose to nose.

Spending the time to help prepare your dog for your baby's arrival will hopefully ensure a smooth transition for the entire family. Always keep a watchful eye on the dog and the baby as they learn to interact with each other and never leave your baby unattended with your dog. With a little patience and a lot of love, your dog and baby should grow to be fast friends.

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