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How To Stop Your Puppy From Chewing

2016/5/4 10:06:16

When a person or family first bring home their new puppy they are very anxious to do all the right things. One of the first things they tend to do is enroll their new puppy into some type of training. That is great, however some issues are not covered in most training classes, such as digging, biting and chewing.

You need to realize that chewing is a very big part of a dog's life. So you need to understand right from the beginning that your puppy even when he is full grown will still chew, in fact your dog needs to chew. What you need to teach that young puppy is what is appropriate to chew on.

One of the first things you need to do is make sure your puppy has some appropriate chew toys. You can find these types of toys at any pet store. Depending on how big your puppy is going to be may have an influence on the toys that you buy for them. If your dog is going to have a powerful jaw that you would associate with the larger breeds then the Kong toys would be a good choice. They are almost indestructible.

Do not make the mistake of giving your puppy one of your old shoes that you do not wear anymore. Your puppy cannot tell the difference between your old shoe and your new expensive shoes and you know which one will end up in his mouth.

Since your puppy is still young and should not have the run of the house it is a good idea to keep his chew toys in one area. This way it will teach your puppy that this is an activity that he can do in a particular area. Do not give them all the toys at once. Mix them up so he does not get bored. Some chew toys like the Kong's can be stuffed with treats. This will entice your puppy to chew the appropriate toys.

Anytime you catch your puppy chewing on something he is not suppose to be chewing on do not hit him or yell at him, what you need to do is redirect him to one of his toys. When he starts to chew on his toy praise him.

Another way that you can deter him from chewing your shoes or the furniture is to use a spray known as bitter apple. The puppy is not suppose to like this so he will not want to chew an item that has been sprayed with it. Bitter apple can be found in most pet stores.

Puppies respond well to praise. Their aim is to please you so make sure you let them know they have done just that. If you do need to reprimand you can do it with your voice. In a stern voice tell them no and they will know by the sound of your voice that they have displeased you. There is no reason to be physical when reprimanding your puppy.

Remember your puppy will, even as an adult, need to chew so it is best to let them know what they can chew on when they are young. Remember also that puppies and dogs are not disposable, they are a lifetime commitment.

To learn more on how to train a puppy check out the following Dog Training Online Review