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Know More About Different Cat Breeds

2016/5/3 18:26:26
Over the last thousand years the cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves. In the beginning they were used for a specific purpose - hunting and killing rodents. Over the years we have started our cats more likely to breed. Now day, there are different breeds of cats - which can tell you, if you look closely.

Today there are over 70 different cat Breeds that are recognized by cat registry. There are several registers that about 40 races or so recognized, since they exclude the more domestic breeds such as tigers. In addition, there are many variations as well, including wild cats that have longer hair.

There are some cat Breeds; the roots go back quite a bit in history. Some Japanese cat Breeds, such as the Japanese Bobtail, can be traced back over 1000 years of history. These cats were very common and well known in Medieval Japan. Now days, however, they are all just a myth throughout Japan and around the world.

The more common cat Breeds are found in North America, including the stray cat, long-haired cat and Persian. Siamese cats are also common, although they are known to be destructive and a foul temper. Persian cats are much admired, prove to be loving companions. Persian cats are very expense but it depending on where you find it and what type of Persian cat.

Alley cats are the mainly common in North America. Although most of us just refer to them as Alley Cats for actually different races. They make good pets, although there existence literally thousands of them. Cats are known for more than any other animal to breed, and they will continue to breed until they are stopped. Alley Cats are bred on, because there are hundreds of thousands of cats that are homeless - and have nothing to do but to breed.

The appearance of the cat is the easiest way to tell what race he or she can. Some people choose to go through a color, although identifying the color not so easy. Different breeds of cats have different looks, such as Siamese and Persian cats. Siamese cats are almost always black, and easily identifiable by their color and their eyes. Persian cats on the other hand, are easily identified by their body and hair type.

Over the years there have been quite many races to come along. Cats are one of the first pets, and easily one of the most popular pets. For millions of people around the world, cats, with many people prefer a cat over any other pets - including dogs. No matter breed of cat you get - you are sure that a pet will receive for an excellent addition to years and years, too.