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The Skill of Trimming your horse

2016/5/3 17:41:14
  It is important not to force the clippers through the coat. If the blades are not cutting properly then they may need to be sharpened. Trimming a horse with clippers is a skill that you can only master through experience. If you are using horse clippers for the first time, it is good advice to practice on a horse that is good to clip and to opt for a clip that is relatively easy to do, such as the Irish clip or the bib clip.

Having the right horse clippers for the task is essential and whether it is fetlock trimming shears, or thinning clippers, you will find all the equipment that you need from the wide range available at Robinson's Equestrian.

The first stage in the clipping process is preparation. To guide you through the process you must mark where you intend clipping using chalk or saddle soap. At the start of the process if you are using shears you should turn them on, away from the horse, before making a calm approach.

The best area to begin with is the shoulder as this is the least sensitive. You should use Horse clippers to cut in long overlapping strokes that go against the grain of the hair growth. For folds or wrinkled areas you must pull the skin tight with your free hand before clipping.

It is important not to force the clippers through the coat. If the blades are not cutting properly then they may need to be sharpened. You should also brush and then oil clippers at regular intervals (every ten minutes) during the process. This will allow blades to cool and give you the opportunity to replace them if necessary.
For the head it is better to use a trimmer. This will make it easier for you and more comfortable for your horse. If your horse gets nervous you should shield their eyes and feed them some cubes as a distraction. Once you have finished a thorough brush down will help reveal if there are any areas that you have missed.