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Advice Of Columbus Veterinarians For Raw Pet Food

2016/5/3 17:31:51
  Columbus veterinarians have the liability of giving the right recommendation for raw pet foods. For this purpose they should follow scientific conventions. Raw food for pets has many contradictions
Science supports online advice of Columbus veterinarians in case of raw pet food. Medical science seems to be influenced by many big manufacturers of pet food. The apparent evidence is difficult to ignore, this kind of diet has become popular despite warnings of pet care experts. You will find sufficient testimonials, blogs and forums related to raw food diet on the internet. You will also find the benefits of giving raw food to pets on the internet. Pet owners generally see a positive and tangy difference in their pets after giving raw food. It seems that there lies a silent discussion between pet owners and science and this is why confusion occurs. If you are a pet owner then it is important to decide whom do you believe. You should consider both merits and demerits of giving raw food to pets. You will need to make up your mind in this concern.

Dangers of raw food for pets
Some veterinarians claim about the dangers of giving raw food to pets. Little scientific evidence is available regarding the efficacy of raw foods. The scientific evidence of potential health of animals and risks of feeding them with raw food needs to be checked:
1) Raw food has risks of having bacterial pathogens like E.Coli and Salmonella. These bacteria are present in raw meats therefore pets should not be fed with these diets.

2) Pets that are fed with raw meat can display bacterial pathogens in their stool. This is a sign that pets are suffering from serious infections.

3) Pets that are fed with raw food have the risk of suffering with intestinal obstruction if such a diet includes bones.

Raw food advice for pets
If veterinarians give advice of feeding pets with raw food under their care then they should be aware about the liabilities after the pet gets ill due to such food. It is essential to note that science is against raw foods. Still many people choose such diet for their pets. This has become a hot trend in the current time. Some people feel that manufacturers of pet food bias scientific conventions as they do not want to lose coming from the sales of raw food. If someone uses scientific conventions to sell his pet food products does not mean that science is incorrect. The conclusion is that pet owners will have to educate themselves about which food is good and harmless for their dear pets.