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Why You Should Buy an Electric Shock Dog Training Collar

2016/5/3 17:16:21

Every dog owner loves their dog but training them can be a real nightmare for many people. There are many reasons for this including the dog testing the will of the owner and also the owner simply not being strict enough. If you have tried the traditional rewarding good behaviour method only to find you are making little or no progress, then looking at alternatives such as the electric shock collar might be worth it. These collars have been around for a few decades already but for smaller dogs these collars were simply too strong because there wasn’t an adjustment for shock levels. Professionals in the dog training industry used these collars to train hunting dogs however now there are electric shock collars that are much better designed for the domestic dog. When buying an electric dog training collar you will notice that there are two main types, there’s a bark collar and then there’s a beeper collar.

As you may have guessed, the bark collar is specifically designed to train your dog to stop barking. It does this by emitting an electric shock whenever your dog barks. Hopefully before long, your dog will learn to stop this bad behaviour. The great thing about this sort of collar is that training your dog can happen day or night and if you’re out at work then the collar will continue working when your dog is at home. Many dog owners find out that their dog has been barking during the day when no one is home and this can make your neighbors really angry. If you want to keep your neighbors happy then buying this sort of collar is very much advisable. The collar trains your dog when you can’t.

The problem with training a dog is that your dog cannot understand what you are saying. So you cannot simply go home and tell your dog that it’s been very naughty for barking all day and that the neighbors have been complaining. As intelligent dogs are, we cannot communicate with them that well. These electric shock collars are relatively cheap and there isn’t anything complex about them. There is a microphone which senses when your dog barks and this then causes the electric shock to be administered.

Beeper collars on the other hand are operated by you using a remote transmitter. These are much more costly to buy and are pretty complex in comparison. Instead of a simple unit there is a radio transmitter and a radio receiver attached to the dog’s collar. The benefit of this type of training collar is that it can deal with more than just barking. There may be other forms of bad behaviour that you want to get out of your dog such as digging holes in your lawn or jumping up on people. However with these situations, you would need to have the transmitter to hand so that you can operate it.

Whatever types of electric shock collar you buy it’s important that you ensure that the setting levels aren’t too high. The purpose of the collar is simply to make your dog uncomfortable; you don’t actually want to inflict any real pain. Only use the minimum amount of shock that you can.

April Kerr owns website Dog Training Collar Shop which has details of where to buy Electronic dog training collars and Innotek dog training collars.