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How to Properly Select and Use a Shock Collar

2016/5/3 17:12:25

Every dog owner wants his dog to behave. And, every dog owner would like his dog to do so with minimal work from the dog owner. In other words, the dog owner doesn’t want to have to spend hours and hours of his time to train his dog just to listen to basic commands. Most dog owners simply don’t have the time for that, or the patience it would require.

So, this is where a dog training shock collar can really be helpful. Of course, many dog lovers may believe that these are cruel to the dog and, if used improperly, they could be. But then again, if a dog owner is going to be cruel to his dog, he doesn’t need a shock collar to do so. Dog training shock collars are rarely found to have been used in instances of dog cruelty. Nearly every dog owner who purchases a shock collar does so for the singular purpose of training his dog.

But, to appease the minds of some unaware dog lovers, many dog owners prefer to refer to a shock collar as a “remote training collar” or an “electronic collar.” These terms seem to be gentler than “shock collar.”

In any case, dog training shock collars can be used with any breed of dog. But, the size of the dog needs to be taken into consideration when selecting a shock collar, as there are a variety of models and sizes of collars. Large, strong dogs will need sturdier, thicker collars than small toy breeds, just as would be the case for purchasing regular collars.

The dog size also needs to be considered when thinking about the strength of the dog training shock collar. Experts recommend that dog owners only use the lowest amount of electronic shock that will work with the dog when using a shock collar. So, owners of small breeds of dogs will not want to purchase the most powerful shock collars on the market, as these will be too powerful for the dog. Dog owners should consult with a veterinarian or dog training expert at a pet store if possible for advice on what strength of dog training shock collar is best.

Most dog training shock collars do have a way for the owner to select the exact amount of shock desired, these collars have a range of power available to them. For anyone worried about the power of the shock, it isn’t a damaging type of power, it is more like an annoyance. It is very similar to the shock a person gets when he walks across the carpet with socks on and then reaches for a doorknob, most people call that “static electricity”, and the sensation is comparable to that of a shock from a dog training shock collar.

Dog training shock collars can be found in any pet store, online or offline. Depending upon the model chosen, prices can vary greatly. Very basic models can be found for less than $50. Advanced shock collars that are programmable from a distance can cost hundreds of dollars.

For more information on dog training collars from shock collars to hunting dog training collars be sure to visit today.