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Great Puppy Names for Different Dog Breeds

2016/5/3 17:11:40

When you have a new puppy coming to be part of your family, it’s best to wait before choosing any puppy names. You need to wait to get to know the puppy so that the name you choose will be a perfect match for the dog, its personality and its breed. Believe it or not, the name you choose reflects as mush on you as it does on the dog. For example, suppose you chose the name “Satan” for your puppy. Right away others will think theta this is not a very good dog and one that they should avoid. It may also give others the idea that you are not a nice person either to give such a name to your dog.

When you get a puppy, you should do some research to learn the characteristics of the dog breed. A Miniature Schnauzer, for example, is a lovable dog that is very energetic. Dogs of this breed love to be around people and make great companions. The popular names for these dogs include Baby, Racer, Lady, Princess, Holly, Taffy, Buddy and Ginger.

Scottish terriers are dogs that love to run, play and have fun. At the same time, they can be very independent and have a mind of their own. Popular names for this breed include Runner, Fanny, Popeye, Daisy, Porter, Abby, Missy and Sprocket. The tiny Chihuahua needs a tiny name to suit its size. How about Mia, Zoe, Tinkerbell, or Zippy?

The important thing about choosing a name for your puppy is to choose one that you and the rest of your family likes. Remember, it is a name you will have to repeat many times a day, so you should like hearing the sound of it. You should also choose a name that is not hard to say. If you choose a complicated name or one from another language that is hard to pronounce, then people will start shortening the name and the puppy will get used to answering to the shortened form. He/She will become confused when people start calling it by different names.

Since a puppy is small and cuddly, people often forget about what the dog will look like when it is fully grown. Just like people, you have to choose a name that will suit it in adulthood. Some like to choose a name for the puppy that ends in a long e sound, such as Rosie, Marcie or Jessie. This could be a good place to start if that is what you are thinking when you look at the b puppy.

Another option in choosing a name is to go through a list of baby names and look at the meaning of each one to find one that suits the breed of dog you have. There is no reason why you can’t name your puppy David or Davey, since that name refers to a king. King is a great name for a Labrador Retriever, as are Sunrise, Blackie, and Emily. You should make sure you teach the dog to respond to its name as soon as possible after you have made your choice.

For a huge database of puppy names as well as male dog names and other dog names visit http://www.Names-For-Dogs.Co.Uk