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How to Keep Bees Away From Our Swimming Pool

2016/5/3 17:05:19
by Letho Maseko

Beekeeping was once considered a simple hobby, but is now a billion-dollar food market industry that requires time consuming skill. The beekeeping industry has come a long way from it being a simple hobby to where it’s going on tables across the world.

For anyone that has not learned the art of bee biology, honey production, and bee behavior from a family business, it is essential to study these things under a knowledgeable beekeeper before beginning their career. When bees make honey, they are actually regurgitating their food and storing it, which they need to do in order to survive the winter months sans flowers.

Among insects, bees have some of the most advanced means of surviving winter. Bees normally produce honey during the warmer months only, and many beekeepers farm during the cold off season. You pay a lot of money to train to be a beekeeper, because you have to know where to place the bee housing in order to get the bees to thrive.

Entomology is a necessary part of the industry, since you must know what kind of predators will prey on your bees, which are not limited to yellow jackets, wasps, microscopic mites, and hornets. Keeping a bee’s habitat healthy and free of pests found in nature can be quite a chore and requires a good familiarity with science during training for a beekeeper. Dedication and devotion are important to a beekeeper, as there are a lot of steps involved in the education and training of one.

It is a skill that many people view as something simply taught to children through their grandparents and parents because of family tradition. It wasn’t even about making money it was actually just one other chore on the farm, but in the years it slowly progressed into a farm staple that was being sold like it was produce, meat and dairy, but it’s still a profitable market anyway you look at it and it’s one of the sweetest things in the world.

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