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Preventing Dental Disease is Critical for the Health of Your Dog

2016/5/3 17:04:03
by Tony Buel

Preventing dental disease in your dog is important. More emphasis should really be paid by the dog lovers or dog owners before things get out of hand. Dental disease is given priority in the health schedule of the dog nowadays because of the association of the dental diseases with some systemic diseases in the dogs.

Antibiotics need to be given in the early stages of teeth infection. If not, this may cause specific infections and the organisms may spread to the other nearby regions like the oral mucous membrane and pharyngeal region etc.

More acidic or alkaline food materials need not be given to the dogs to avoid possible tooth damage and decay. Antibiotics need to be given in the initial stage of teeth infection itself and if not, this may cause specific infections and the organisms may spread to the other nearby regions like the oral mucous membrane and pharyngeal region etc.

Also if your dog is not given some bony material to bite on at a young age, the dog may develop some dental diseases later. The teething action often causes the animal to go for biting in an indiscriminate manner. The animal has to be given some biting materials to avoid the occurrence of dental diseases.

If there is any evidence of bleeding around the mouth and oral regions the dog needs to be examined thoroughly for any dental abnormality. Many times the puppies or sometimes even the adult dogs may have teeth injuries. This should be attended to immediately as a preventive step. If not, the animal may end up in secondary bacterial infections.

Hunting dogs need additional care associated with the dental structures and such care is necessary to avoid the future dental problems in such dogs. Brushes are available to provide better dental care to dogs. However, one has to allow for more time and should have patience to use such brushes.

Centers for disease control and prevention are trying to put up guidelines to prevent the dental diseases in dogs. However, the oral examination needs to be carried out frequently in dogs to ensure that any potential problems pertaining to the dentine structures are caught as soon as possible,

Home dental care is to be given more emphasis these days because of the fact that dental diseases are emerging in pets. If you suspect a potential dental problem, see a veterinarian for intervention as soon as possible.

About the Author: Good dental care is important for the health of your dog.