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Chihuahua Diet In A Nutshell

2016/5/3 17:03:19
by Sandra Dean

One of the most important decisions the owner of a small dog faces is what to feed the dog. Nutrition is certainly one of the most important aspects of Chihuahua care. A dog that weighs only four to eight pounds and stands only six to nine inches high – like the Chihuahua – has to watch it’s figure! Canine weight gain is something all Chihuahua owners have to watch out for. Every bite a Chihuahua eats has to be packed with nutrition and taste.

Chihuahua care is more difficult in this respect than, say, caring for a large dog. Large dogs can eat a lot more food than Chihuahuas, so they have more chances to get the nutrition they need. A typical Chihuahua should eat only about a cup and a half of food a day. The Chihuahua has to eat high quality food to keep up its stamina and to maintain healthy teeth, gums, skin, and coat. Owners who are experienced with Chihuahua nutrition know that feeding the best diet for a Chihuahua can prolong the dog’s life and enhance its lifestyle.

Knowing what not to feed your Chihuahua for nutrition is at least as important as knowing what to feed it. Some foods that cause no health problems in humans are toxic to dogs and should be avoided at all costs. Chocolate, onions, and garlic are three such foods.

There are some foods a Chihuahua should never eat. Good Chihuahua nutrition dictates that you make sure your dog never eats these items and that they are never left in places where your dog can get to them. One food humans love that your Chihuahua should never eat is chocolate. Chocolate is toxic to all dogs, and with the Chihuahua’s small size, even a tiny bit of chocolate can make it sick. If your Chihuahua eats chocolate, take it directly to the nearest veterinarian or emergency veterinary clinic so the vet can assess what treatment and provide the care your Chihuahua needs to counteract the effects of the chocolate on your dog’s system.

Your vet will give your Chihuahua the care it needs to alleviate the effects of chocolate on your dog’s health. The symptoms of chocolate poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea and excessive thirst, but these symptoms may not show up for several hours, so it is important to get your Chihuahua medical care immediately.

Now that you know what not to feed your dog, let’s talk about the best diet for your Chihuahua. The only way to be absolutely certain your pet gets the proper nutrition may be to prepare and cook all of your dog’s food. This is the kind of Chihuahua nutrition that proves your love for your dog. Chihuahua dog food recipes can be found in several popular cookbooks and newsletters, but you can make your own dog food for your Chihuahua by combining a few basic ingredients in different ways.

Start with a ground meat protein, like chicken, turkey, lamb, or lean pork or beef. Cook the meat thoroughly by sauting it, roasting it or grilling it. Next, stir in a starchy food that has already been cooked, like steamed rice or boiled potatoes. Finally, add a sweet vegetable like peas or carrots. Mash all the ingredients together, making sure all the pieces of meat and vegetable are small enough for a Chihuahua to swallow without posing a choking hazard.

Proper nutrition is essential to your Chihuahua’s health. Take the time to find and feed your dog the high quality food it needs.

About the Author: About the author: Sandra Dean is a passionate lover of the Chihuahua and has a popular website that can show you how to have a happy, healthy and well behaved Chihuahua. Among other topics there, you can also learn all about Chihuahua Nutrition plus a whole lot more.