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Practical Tactics For House Training Your Puppy

2016/5/3 17:02:03

Consistency, commitment, patience and paying close attention are needed for house training your dog as well as newspaper.

By following the steps listed below, the chances of accidents in the house will decrease. Expect your puppy and dog to have an accident occasionally. This is just part of having an inside animal.

To house train your puppy faster, be consistent. Training can last for several weeks or more so be patient.

Set up a routine.

Having a routine works just as well for puppies as it does for babies. Developing a schedule will help him learn that there are times to eat, times to play and times to go potty.

For every month of age, a puppy can control their bladder for an hour. So, if the puppy is two months old, then he can control his bladder for two hours. Remember this when taking your puppy out for potty breaks. Hiring a dog walker might be necessary if you work away from the home to keep the schedule.

Your puppy should be taken outside after or during playing, after he eats or drinks and as soon as he gets up. Find a spot outside that will be the designated bathroom area. Use a leash and take him to that area. Using phrases or words like go potty while he is using the bathroom will teach him that this means go to the bathroom.

Rewards are an excellent method for teaching your puppy. Give him praise or a treat immediately after he has used the bathroom. Do this while you both are still outside.

To help regulate his bathroom schedule, a regular feeding schedule should be use too. Eating three to four times a day is normal for puppies. By feeding him at the same time each day potty training him will be easier as well.

To keep your puppy from needing to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, put his dishes up about two hours before bedtime. If he does wake up in the middle of the night, stay calm, so he won’t think it is time to play. Don’t turn on a lot of lights or play with him. Take him outside and then go back to bed.


Keep an eye on your puppy when he is inside so he will not soil in the house.

When the puppy is not being trained or played with, have him on a six foot leash beside you. If he begins sniffing, barking, circling, scratching at the door or becomes restless, he may need to use the bathroom. Take him outside immediately if you notice this behavior. Use praise or treats to reward him when he is done using the bathroom.

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