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Dog Training Tips On Stopping Digging And Barking

2016/5/3 17:01:52

Everyone loves the family dog, but it can be a bit much when he or she has the habit of incessantly barking or constantly digging up the yard. These are two habits that many people find to be the most bothersome. The following are some dog training tips that should help with those undesirable occurrences.

Barking is a form of communication with dogs. With humans, the family pooch is often trying to tell you something; danger is near, he’s bored or hungry, or he’s just so happy to see you.

When you are out walking your dog and he starts to bark for no reason, give a good tug on his lead and say ‘no’ in a firm voice. If this doesn’t work, take a wedge of lemon to squirt on his mouth when he begins to bark. After a lemon spritz or two, your dog might get the hint that barking at this time isn’t such a good idea.

If the barking begins when you are walking together, quickly tug on the leash while saying ‘no’ to your dog. Another trick that works for most dogs is to carry a piece of lemon in your pocket. When the barking starts, squirt a bit of lemon on his mouth to quiet the barking. It will only take a time or two of this method and he’ll associate barking with a horrible taste.

Your dog might have some excess energy to spend, try taking him for a walk or play a long game of fetch in the park. Provide him with lots of toys to chew on and entertain himself with, if you need to leave for a long period of time.

Barking and digging are two habits that can be avoided, be patient and don’t give up. The dog training tips listed above should get you on your way to helping your dog become a better member of the family. Your neighbors just might thank you.

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