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Dog Fleas Are a Hassle

2016/5/3 17:01:23

The joys of pet ownership come with the burdens of pet ownership. Fleas are one example of such a burden. At one point or another, all pet owners will have to treat and or prevent flea infestations on their beloved pets. Fleas are a hassle and are also a great discomfort to our pets. The faster we can get rid of them, the easy the job will be and the better our pets will feel.

What is the best way to get rid of dog fleas? There are different answers to that question. You must get rid of the actual fleas on your pet plus you must get rid of the fleas in your pets environment. If you do not pay special attention to getting rid of fleas in your home, your pet will quickly get re-infested. Once you have gotten rid of the fleas on the animal and in your home, you would be wise to engage in some preventative steps. Some easy flea prevention steps will go a long way in preventing future bouts with fleas.

There are now some flea medications available though your local vet that make the fight against fleas much easier. These products include the brand names Frontline and Advantage. Both of these products, if used correctly, can rid your pet of fleas within 3 to 4 days of the first application. Your pet will feel noticeable relief within 1-2 days. Applied to the base of the pet’s neck, these solutions are non toxic to the pet.

Some people prefer to use natural means to rid their pet of fleas. These natural or homeopathic methods work well but are slightly less effective, more time consuming per individual application, can be slightly messy and may take a longer period of time to actually work. If your pet is not suffering too much then you have nothing to lose by trying one of the natural methods. Some people use olive oil to get rid of fleas while other people use baby powder/talcum powder to get rid of fleas.

Pay close attention to the areas in your house in which your pet sleeps or passes his day. These areas will, most definitely, have fleas. Vacuum every surface your pet may have come into contact with. If feasible try to steam clean your furniture and carpets using the hottest water possible. Make sure you wash all of the bedding, throw blankets, pillow covers etc. Once you have vacuumed, make sure you seal the vacuum bag and take it out of your house.

Once your pet and home are free of fleas you can take some steps to prevent future infestations. There are a number of ways to avoid future infestations. Some people add small amounts of garlic to their pet food. Other people like to douse a bandanna in citronella oil and tie it around the animal’s neck. There are also commercially available flea prevention medications that your pets can ingest once every few months. For more information on getting rid of fleas or flea prevention speak to your vet.

Please visit this dog fleas site, or find more information by clicking here.