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Danger signs of Tick Paralysis in Dogs

2016/5/3 16:56:21

The disease does not affect the ticks but affects other mammals like dogs due to the toxin secreted by the ticks. What happens, is that a tick bite can produce a flaccid paralysis, which leaves your dog with no muscular tone, feeling weak.

It can vary depending on what kind of dog you have, as not all dogs or mammals are affected by ticks, and even some animals only have their hind limbs affected. Since the side effects can vary, some mammals can easily fall into a critical state as their muscles become unable to move, especially their respiratory muscles, therefore making it difficult for the animal to breathe.

By knowing about the different kind of paralysis that is caused by the ticks in different mammals, you can prevent things from becoming worse by quickly taking out the ticks and casting them away.

You will find valuable information that will enable you to identify and prevent any untoward problems to your pet due to ticks.


It is not as if your dog will be immediately affected with just one bite of the tick as it takes a period of a week and several bites from the ticks to cause any paralysis.

When you notice your pet becoming weak and having problems moving his hind limbs, you can be sure that he has been bitten by ticks. Dogs can also exhibit difficulty when swallowing, breathing, and chewing, but there will be no signs of a fever or regular illness symptoms aside from these.

Due to these problems like difficulty in breathing, respiratory malfunction can occur causing the death of your pet and it is thus imperative for you to take cognisance of these symptoms and take remedial action at the earliest.


Most often, paralysis is diagnosed based on the symptoms, and also if your dog has a rapidly worsening condition. Paralysis has been known to be dependent on particular seasons, but your pet will recover quickly as soon as the ticks are picked and removed from the body.

Of course, easy diagnosis also comes from the signs of paralysis, but you should regularly check your dog for ticks, if his/her behavior becomes strange, especially if you are often in regions which have ticks.


One effective method of treatment is to pick all the ticks from the body and throw them away. Picking up all the ticks on the pet’s body may be fraught with difficulty especially if your pet is very hairy and in that case you may need to shave your pet to ensure all ticks are effectively removed.

Generally, the dog will recover quickly once the ticks are removed, but in some cases, you may have to consult the veterinarian.

The injection of an antitoxin is another remedy for quick recovery.

For more information, be sure to visit this site: Tick Paralysis