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Do You Have a Sixth Sense About Fido? It is Essential You Be Able to Read Him Cold..

2016/5/3 16:40:43

Don’t Blame Your Dog Just Because You Do Not Understand Him!

When your adorable dog sounds off with a sharp bark or a piercing whine, do you know his intention?Think about this from his viewpoint.

It is most important that you grasp that dogs are a pack animal. And at one time, dogs banded together as a single unit, in order to survive. They sought food together as an unit and were safer as a result; and there was of course a pecking order. Alright, let us consider this for a moment. Analyze it the way Cesar, the dog whisperer would. It can be challenging for we humans to discern whether they are becoming a part of our family (that is, a dog joining the “human pack”) or we are joining them (a human joining the dog pack).

How To Speak Dog: It is Likely Your Dog Will Love it if You Can Talk Dog

What is evident is that dogs have a deep down need to belong, or be part of “the pack”. When you are at the same level with the animal (i.e., you are viewing things from his point of view), you will be able to see something about that particular dogs circumstance and outlook. This can be quite useful, for instance, in choosing a family dog. To delve deeper, it is helpful to be at “eye level” so that you are near enough to notice the dogs reactions to you, even its posture. If the dog backs up, this is a definite indicator that the animal is not at ease and you would be gambling to select this particular animal as your pet. In deciding how to choose a dog, you ought to take these points into consideration.

Aggressive Dog Behavior – Dog Gestures

If a dog is aggressively stalking, what does this dog behavior look like? Or if threatened by another dog when you are out for some exercise, what behavior does this other animal exude? Is barking a type of communication among dogs with precise significance, or is it just without purpose? Dogs tend to communicate with each other more with gestures and body posture than with their voices. They have a wide range of facial expressions, body postures and gestures, and they instinctively communicate with one another by scent. Did you know that dogs who bark at night are likely just working off extra energy?

Body Language – Dog

If a dog goes up to his owner and barks loudly, it may merely be in order to attract his owner’s attention. He could indeed want to see your cheerful face, because you were at work during the day.

But you will end up supposing about this unless you devour a dog book on the subject of the body language of canines, or consult a dog body language chart. I bet you did not know this existed! Yes, there is help. And if a pet owner puts in the hours on this wonderful topic, the result cannot help but delight and surprise.

Restaurants for Dogs or Dog Olympics, Anyone?

A dog who shares an exceptionally close bond with his owner and trainer may have learned a number of words, or commands. Should this be the case, there is a relationship already established – yet why stop there? You may wish to look into the possibility of dog olympics for your dog; or providing your dog with behavior training. As you may know, many restaurants in California will let a dog who is on his best behavior in fancy restaurants – for your edification. And some of the more reputable hotels do let owners bring their dogs; while a deposit might be required, it is up to you. You probably will not regret it if you choose to take your pet with you.

Dog Dominance

Mull this over: does an aggressive dog choosing to show his superiority or dominance do something specific? What if your dog is choosing to submit to another animal? What specifically would your dog do? I will tell you that when a dog is showing submission, he would try and make himself appear small – by crouching down or putting his tail between his legs, or both. Also, this dog often will have his ears laid down flat. And if your dog is wanting to prove he is King, he will instinctively find a way to appear larger and more threatening. The way he does it is by raising up his back to increase his height, and staring at the other dog; he commands respect. He holds his head high in defiance, as well.

And a dog desirous of showing superiority, could take a perpendicular position (upright). Isnt that enlightening? Additionally, many people tend to think that with a female dog, no alpha behaviors like ‘marking’ or ‘humping’ are actually displayed. Hah – nothing could be further from the truth. My own teacup poodle has repeatedly shown the humping behavior (with a pillow). And the humping behavior is not just done when a female is in heat; It also is done to signify dog dominance. This is well known to be an alpha behavior.

Now we are learning something about dogs. You are discovering that it is not accurate that there are behaviors displayed solely by the male dog. Did you know that female dogs are often more stubborn and can be moodier than a male dog? Males are loyal and true, very devoted to their human person. My male teacup poodle used to sleep with me; and he did not move the entire night. He was never moody or sullen.

Dog Gestures

When a dog extends his paw it is a sign he loves you. If he just did not care, he would do nothing. Also, your pup may want to go outside to play, and may indicate this by running at the door; knowing some basic dog gestures is certainly a big plus.

Pups and Play Biting

Dogs in the play mode sometimes do nipping or “play-biting”. Puppies, specifically will tend to “nip”; they have pointy little teeth which will tear up your flesh. It is important to adjust your pups behavior while he is young , otherwise it will be a real problem.

The Ultimate Dog Test

Did you realize that dogs are able to comprehend the significance of pointing? Hard to believe perhaps, but true. I checked with an online authority, and they explain that according to a study by Gabriella Lakatos and her colleagues at University of Budapest in Hungary, dogs are truly capable of recognizing the significance of pointing! A test was done with 2 year old and 3 year old kids and the dogs. Two flower pots with either a toy or a treat was utilized for the test. The main idea behind the study was to ascertain the different responses that all 3 groups had (2 year old & 3 year old children), and the dogs. There was just one test – where a person pointing stood with her arm across her chest, elbow protruding to the left and finger pointing to the right. The conclusion was that the 3 year old kids showed a better response to a pointing index finger, while the two-year-old toddlers and the dog would follow the elbow. Fascinating, what you do not know but can learn about animals.

Playful Dogs

Nose nudging is a sign that a dog is anxious to play. And when a dog has a wagging tail, of course this is a positive sign; unless of course, he is an abused animal and has a severe injury which precludes him from playing. Then he is just showing you some love.

In general the “play posture” is one with forehead crouched down and hind quarters high and tail extended; also, the animal has bright, cheerful eyes and a tail that is wagging. He may even give a little yap. Conversely, an aggressor has the rigid stance, a steady gaze, and a trembling tail (held high). In a dog, a high, steady tail exudes confidence while the tail that is held low indicates that this dog is submitting to the superior animal or is ill.

Another playful communication that a dog may choose is playfully putting out his paw. He just might be reminding you he is present and is inciting you to play; or if he extends his paw and averts his eyes, this can definitely mean that he feels remorseful and wishes you would forgive him. Please remember that.

When an owner truly cares, he would take the time to digest everything he can about exercise for his best pal, as well as good nutrition, pet health insurance, veterinary care, mandated shots, grooming, etcetera. Plus he should really make a rousing effort to read something on training his dog, and developing a good relationship with his pet. Then both dog and owner will have a happier life. When a loving person takes on the responsibility of pet ownership, it is just that – a responsibility. The owner, in my opinion, may as well get educated and go the extra mile. Thus, perhaps you may want to do more than merely buying a book. Educate yourself on the Dog Whisperer’s program, for example. Do all you can; you will never regret it. He will adore you for it. Hopefully, you have derived something from this article. You will be well rewarded by your pet if you will look into books and resource guides on dog training and communication. Your animal will certainly know the extra effort you are putting into his care, and he will adore you. To sum it all up, a dog lover who pays his dog the courtesy of “listening” to him can win him over. Then trust will evolve, which can be to your advantage. For example, if he finds danger (traffic, for one possibility) – and you call out his name and give a command, he will respond if he has been properly trained. A well meaning pet owner, who tries to learn about his dogs personality traits may well reap dividends, because of it. For his canine friend will learn that his owner only has his best interests at heart, and will learn to instinctively trust his owner. A very strong tie can result when commit the hours necessary. Invest in some dog training.

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