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Why do dogs lick their feet

2016/5/3 16:23:15

Dogs lick because this is an instinctive behavior of canines. Apparently the tendency to lick begins from puppyhood. Dams are seen licking the puppies to clean and also to encourage the litter to defecate and to urinate. Licking is also done by puppies to ask the mother dog to allow them to nurse. As the puppies are about to be weaned, they would lick the mother’s mouth to encourage regurgitation of food. Licking has another purpose, when puppies lick each other, the bond between the littermates is developed.

Puppies are noticed to lick excessively and although this behavior is somehow lessened as the dog gets older, the inclination to lick will remain. Dog owners would know that when the pet licks them, the dogs are showing their affection. Dogs not only lick humans and other dogs as they are also seen licking themselves. The dog’s tendency to lick the feet is very annoying to most dog owners. Dogs have the inclination to wander and the paws that are being licked may have stepped on disgusting things. Dogs always give the owners sloppy kisses thus you can imagine the consternation of a pet owner if the dog is seen licking the paw that has stepped on feces or rotten animals.

Dogs have various reasons for licking the feet. It seems that dogs hate dirty feet as they are often seen licking the feet clean. Dogs are very loyal to humans but these animals have the inclination to love things that humans hate. Dogs seem to have an unexplainable fondness for the dirty things that are lodged between its paws. Pain is another reason why dogs would lick the paws. A dog’s feet would always be injured by thorns and splinters because these animals have the inclination to wander. The dog will simply lick the injured paw to alleviate the pain.

Boredom and anxiety are other reasons why dogs would lick the feet. Licking the feet is for dogs while nail biting is for humans. By licking the feet, the anxious feeling will be eased. For want of anything better to do, a bored dog will just settle to licking the feet.

Owners would naturally prefer a dog that licks the feet than one that is being destructive. However, constant worrying of the feet can result to raw and bleeding skin. Licking the feet can be an addicting behavior thus an owner has to take measures to stop the unwanted behavior of the pet before the hard to cure sores known as granulomas would develop.

More about why do dogs lick their own feet and dog first aid at Sarah’s Dogs.