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The Beginners Guide To Training Your Dog

2016/5/3 16:21:49

Having a dog can be one of the great joys in life. But when they aren’t acting the way you want them to, they can also be the most frustrating. Don’t lose heart; there are some effective ways to get your dog to behave. Here are some good ways to start training your dog.

If you are undergoing chemotherapy it is common for certain foods to leave a metallic taste in your mouth. The most common foods that give this type of reaction are water and meats. You can try adding fruit to water to lighten the taste and you can substitute fish, eggs, beans, or some other type of protein to your diet instead of meat.

Training your dog doesn’t have to be a chore. Make training into a game that will enrich your dog’s life. Try having your dog sit each time he brings you the ball you threw. By incorporating training into playtime, you’ll have a fun and rewarding experience which results in a well-mannered pet!

It is important to keep your dog training sessions short, it is better to have three ten minute sessions than one thirty minute session. Your dog is not a human and they will tend to lose interest quickly, by making sessions shorter you will make more progress in your training efforts.

If you are having problems with dog training, then you should look at your training routine. Dogs are much more susceptible to learning if you have a solid routine. All you have to do is keep repeating the commands you want them to learn repeatedly and eventually they will pick it up. Leaving you with a dog that is much easier to enjoy having.

To have an obedient dog, you should establish yourself as a master right away. Do not let your dog bite you or jump on you. You have to punish or reward your dog constantly. Never let your dog get away with anything, or even worst, become hostile towards you.

It is important to note that telling your dog “no” does not give him any information. For example, if someone comes into your house, and your dog starts to jump, saying “no” is not enough information. Whereas, saying, “sit” is a better alternative, because it gives him something he can actually do. If you tell a dog what you want him to do with a command, this avoids confusion, and he will learn to listen.

Teach your dog the basics before trying to teach them more complicated “fun” tricks. It is important to have the basic obedience skills, such as sit, stay, lie down, and come learned before you try teaching tricks like shake and roll over. Although it is tempting just to jump to the fun stuff, having a firm grasp on the basic commands will make learning tricks much easier.

Training your pup isn’t impossible, even though there are times when it can seem that way, there are things you can do to get over those tough hurdles. Make sure that you start with these tips and hunt out other such tips from the internet, so you can get off to the best start to successfully train your dog.

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