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Become A Happy Pet Owner With These Five Dog Grooming Phoenix Tips

2016/5/3 16:16:06

Good physical maintenance is a very crucial part of dog ownership. Pets require good maintenance just as people do. It is therefore important that you learn meaningful dog grooming Phoenix tips that will help you keep your pet in the right shape. All you need is to come up with a schedule and observe it keenly. This is not an arduous task as dogs do not need to bathe daily. The grooming needs of your dog will depend on many factors including the breed of the dog and the type of hair.

Grooming depends on a number of things which includes the type of hair your dog has and the breed of the pet. Hair brushing is an exercise that should be done as often as possible and many dogs enjoy it very much. Long haired dogs are prone to hair tangling and matting and therefore need to be brushed on a daily basis.

Dogs that have medium length hair are also prone to tangling and matting, but not as much as the long-haired types. For these ones, brushing can be done once every week. This is not to mean that brushing cannot be done any other time. You can do it more often. Short haired types have no hair tangling and can go up to a month without brushing. Irrespective of the hair type, you can brush the hair every day especially if your pet enjoys the exercise.

Trimming of nails is very essential. Most dogs however detest the practice. The same case applies to the owners. If trimming is done without caution, you will harm your dog. Cutting nails too short is hurtful and makes the dog feel very uncomfortable.

If you have to trim the nails, you have to do it right. If you do not have any prior experience, you can call in a groomer to perform the task as you watch and learn. It will not be long before you become a pro at it.

Just like trimming of nails, most dogs do not like their bath times. This is especially so if the exercise has not been happening previously. Bathing can be done once a month. This is not a rule of the thumb and you can therefore perform the exercise weekly. Let your veterinarian advise you regarding the best shampoo to use on your dog. This largely depends on the type of skin.

Ears must also be cleaned. They easily become a haven for bacteria and yeasts if they are neglected. Routine cleaning can be done during bath times. It is not uncommon to recognize lots of debris in the ears or foul smell which are great indicators of infection. If you realize anything like that, talk to your vet for immediate attention. If ignored, such an infection can lead to deafness.

Hair cutting is equally important in so far as dog grooming Phoenix is concerned. Some dog breeds have very long hair which has to be trimmed from time to time. Let the experts perform this task. You can also enroll in a grooming school to learn the exercise. If you consider these tips, you are sure to have a well groomed pet.

You can hire the best professional in dog grooming Phoenix has by going to today. Get more information on quotes and offers by visiting now.