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However Interceptor For Dogs Is Far More Superior To The Heartworm Pill

2016/5/3 15:30:12

Among dogs another disease that is spreading quite fast is the heartworm disease. To keep your dog safe from this parasite it is important that you be fully aware of the different solutions available along with the benefits and problems of each solution. Most people are only aware of the heartworm pill that is given to dogs each month to keep them safe from the disease. However interceptor for dogs is far more superior to the heartworm pill. This is because the heartworm pill contains Ivermectin that acts to kill the larval heartworms whereas interceptor for dogs contains Milbemycin oxime which is quite stronger and thus is able to kill all larval heartworms within no time at all. And not just that, interceptor for dogs is able to kill not only heartworms rather whipworms, roundworms and hookworms as well. Therefore with one interceptor for dogs you will be able to provide your dog protection from all the different kinds of internal parasites.

Not all breeds of dogs are able to withstand strong toxic medicines. One great benefit of interceptor for dogs is that since it contains Milbemycin oxime which is not toxic at all and thus can safely be used on any dog breed you have. This is one reason why interceptor for dogs is preferred over other heartworm pills. Especially if your dog is of the Collie breed, you will want to use interceptor for dogs as these dogs are super sensitive to other drugs. You can also use interceptor for dogs on puppies older than 4 weeks and have a weight of more than 2lb. since interceptor for dogs are milder and less toxic than the other remedies for heartworm disease, it can safely be used for pregnant and nursing dogs. However to remain on the safe side always check with your vet before treating your pregnant dog to any kind of medication.

If you think your dog has been infected by the heartworm disease and you are thinking of starting the interceptor for dogs’ treatment its best to first take your dog to an experienced vet to ensure that your dog really has this disease. Then it depends on the severity of your dog’s case. Sometimes you will need to use interceptor for dogs for one whole year to ensure that your dog has been completely cured from the disease. In other cases you will have to use it seasonally and then again once after waiting for a month or two when you feel the disease has been removed.

If you are in search of a cheaper interceptor for dogs, you can try the ones that come in pill form. These pills are quite tasty for dogs and they readily eat it up. This will become even easier for you to use interceptor for dogs. One pill a month will be enough to ensure your dog is healthy. This is why this treatment has gained such popularity over the other traditionally used forms of heartworm disease control.