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Selecting The Right Material For Your Horse Stalls

2016/5/3 14:54:59
Choosing the ideal flooring and bedding for one抯 horses

Keeping a horse in proper health is not an easy job. The horse owners need to select the proper type of Horse Bedding. The stable flooring plays a pivotal role in the well-being of the horses kept in a stable. If a horse owner makes his horses stand on wet or damp stable floors the animals can fall prey to various types of ailments. The wetness can also attract various types of insects that can be harmful for the health of the horses. A horse owner needs to give the horses extra cushions as well as comfortable bedding.

A healthy horse is known by its hoofs. For keeping the hoofs safe and healthy, a horse owner needs to use stall mats for horses. As a matter of fact, the soft horse bedding lets the tired animals relax after a grueling day抯 workout. There is a variety of bedding material available for horses in the market. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages and one need to take his pick accordingly.

There are many horse owners who swear by the effectiveness of the conventional straw bedding. It gives the horses warmth when they lie down. It is also good for drainage. There are 3 variants of straw -oat, barley and wheat. Among the variants, wheat remains the best choice for the horse owners. However, its main drawback is that it becomes dusty and can lead to fungal infection in the horses.

Nowadays a lot of stable owners prefer sawdust and wood shavings as Horse Bedding material. These are not as dusty as straw bedding but can not totally eliminate the chances of dust-based infection either. If a horse owner can obtain quality horsebox bedding from the horse bedding suppliers both he and his horse stand to gain. Good quality bedding helps in better absorption of the urine and hence the owner can get rid of the strong stench of ammonia in the stable. The horse抯 respiratory system cannot tolerate dust very well and so the bedding should be kept free of dust.

Nowadays, many horse owners are opting for rubber mats for Stable Flooring. The rubber mats are suitable for the horses. It offers the horses a warmer and softer horse flooring experience. Nevertheless, the horse owners should keep in mind that horses detest lying on thin and bare mats. So they should give the horses enough layers of bedding to feel relaxed. While the first time investment cost of the rubber matting can be pretty steep its maintenance costs are not high at all.

As an alternative, the horse owners can try using shredded paper and cardboard for Horse Bedding. These materials are good for absorption and also give the horses a comfortable feeling. However, disposing these stuffs can be really problematic. The best option is to burn them up when they become unusable. If a horse owner wants to purchase quality horse bedding he can visit the site He will get information on superior stall mats and horse flooring.