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The Canine Roundworms Life Cycle

2016/5/3 14:48:19
The Roundworms can be found in egg form in animal droppings. The causes for them being there are multiple. One of the examples is one animal eating another that was carrying these worms and he got infected. Or the animal ate some feces from another animal that was infected with roundworms.

These worm types are difficult to treat because the larva that hatches from those eggs is really hard to treat with the de-worming medicines. These larvae just move around the pet's intestinal walls and go through it till it reached the lungs. The larva from the lungs sometimes gets coughed out. It can get re-swallowed or can go to another animal after that. But Roundworms can also be found in humans. They can reach about 13 inches long. In dogs, these worms only grow to a maximum of 4 inches.

Because these roundworms pass so easily from one dog to another, most of the pet owners have had a pet with this affection. The best way to deal with this kind of infestation is to know the problem and know what you must watch for.

A few signs and symptoms

Four different types of worms can survive in the pet's intestines. The Roundworms are just the most common of them. The veterinarians say that the newborn puppies and kittens have roundworms at birth. If your dog shows some of these symptoms, he could be infested with worms:

1. He could have the appearance of a "Pot-bellied" appearance

2. The pet vomits

3. The pet looses the appetite and also looses weight

4. In some cases, diarrhea and dehydration can appear

5. You may also notice some worms or part of worms in the feces

6. Some worms are seen outside the anus, in the pet's bed

After seeing these symptoms and determining whether the dog is infected or not, you must take some treatment measures. Left untreated, a baby animal can die from worms. The adult pets are more resistant but the worms can cause complication and endanger the pet's life.

So get treatment as soon as possible. You too can get infected by having a close contact with the pet. Get the pet to a vet. Also take feces to the doctor for a fecal test. Then the vet will give you the best medicine to treat the pet. There are many affordable treatments in the pet shops. Before using and medicine, also read and clearly follow all the instructions. Be aware of the negative side effects too. Some side effects may include drowsiness.

In conclusion, be aware of the fact that the worms are evolved creatures that can penetrate the placenta of pregnant dogs and find sneaky ways to avoid detection.

This is why many new born are infected and with a weak immune system, they can even die. So, before the dog gets impregnated, it is good to de-worm your dog. Also, the vet recommend that once at every 3 or 4 months the pet receives a de-worming treatment. Prevention is the best way to deal with these infestations.