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2016/5/3 10:41:41
tr> The name dinosaur comes from Greek words deinos (Frigtening) and saurus (Lizzard), and English zoologist created it, Sir Richard Owen, 1841. Human look on these beings has changed over time. First they were imagined as large, lethargic reptiles and painted alone animals that roam the swamp, dragging behind them their long tails. Only in the late sixties of previous century, with the discovery of Deinonychus, it was clear that it is not a inferior, slow lizard but a highly specialized predator, morphologically more similar to a bird then to a lizard. Back then a small group of paleontologists lead by John Ostrom presented the opinion that dinosaurs were warm-blooded, social animals, perfectly adapted to the conditions of their environment.

Knowledge about amazing life of dinosaurus is updated by paleontologists by researching fossil remains, which are made up from fossilized bones, skin and skin remains, but also from eggs, nests, foot prints or coprolites. Dinosaur remains were found on all continents, including Antarctic, where dinosaurs lived for some time, while it was a part of the super-continent Pangee. Some dinosaurs are, along with whales, the biggest animals that ever existed on Earth. Diplodocus is considered as one of biggest dinosaurs. It was long 25 meters, and had a long neck and small head. There are indications that Supersaur and Ultrasuar were even bigger, but until today only a small number of their remains were found. The smallest one is dinosaur kompsognatus, with size of about 75-91 cm and weighting about 3 kg.

Many people think that dinosaurs were coldblooded lizards, but there are some indications that they were warm-blooded, more like birds than lizards. It is also unknown which color was their skin, and some scientists feel that they were green and gray, as today’s lizards. 10 amazing facts about dinosaurus is a shortened display of what scientist found out until now about these amazing animals.

Since dinosaurs were discovered scientists wonder why did they go extinct? That is still not discovered, and there are numerous theories about their extinction. Disappearance of dinosaurs and other large lizards and 65% of living world of that period, is connected with the fall of a huge asteroid that before 65 000 000 years fell on the peninsula Yucatan in Mexico. Asteroid theory about the destruction of dinosaurs got a extra part by the discovery in the beginning of 21 century of another large crater that is located in Ukraine which was created in the impact of meteor couple of thousands of year before the one in Yucatan, before herbal and animal world recuperated from the first impact.