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Arguments For And Against Dog Shock Collars

2016/5/3 9:27:20

Arguments For And Against Dog Shock Collars

Are Dog Shock Collars Cruel?

Dog shock collars are a controversial issue for pet owners. While some dog owners believe that they are necessary for their dog's well-being, others state that they are cruel for the pet and unnecessary. There are multiple arguments for and against dog shock collars and it's important for dog owners to understand both before they make a decision.

Are they safe?

The first argument for dog collars is that it keeps them safe. Dog shock collars are used to keep a dog inside a yard. This allows them to play outside without the owner being present and without having to be on a leash. Busy dog owners like this and it also allows the dog to have more freedom and exercise during the day. Since many states have leash laws, invisible fence collars are advisable. Also, these collars keep dogs from wandering out into the street where they may be hurt.

Do they stop bad behavior?

Dog shock collars can also be used in dogs that are aggressive or loud. Some collars will deliver a shock to a dog when it starts barking, teaching them to be better behaved and getting rid of undesirable behaviors. Also, shock collars can use it to teach dogs that show aggression towards food or other dogs. Trainers will often use shock collars to teach dogs to avoid certain animals such as snakes or dangerous objects, effectively keeping the dog safe even when a human is not around.

Do dogs suffer pain?

There are also some arguments against shock collars. One of the most common instances of shock collar instances is dogs associating the pain with their environment. A dog who experiences pain when it leaves the yard may begin to avoid the outside completely, believing that the pain is caused by being outside, rather than leaving the boundaries. This can be very damaging to a dog who should enjoy playing outside and getting exercise regularly.

Are they effective?

Another argument is that shock collars are not effective. In larger dogs, the shock is not large and dogs can get used to it. This can lead to them leaving the yard even though it does cause them some pain. Many dog owners have lost their pets because their dog has managed to escape and is reluctant to return because of the shocks.

Do they increase stress?

One final argument against dog collars is that it increases stress levels in dogs and reduces their quality of life. While it can be difficult to understand a dog's happiness at times, dogs who experience the pain of a shock collar regularly may experience a great deal of stress because of the pain. Having to put up with constant shocking from either barking, leaving the yard, or certain behaviors, can negatively impact a pet, leading to other problems. For this reason, many dog trainers recommend using other methods to train dogs.

These are some of the most common arguments used for and against dog shock collars. A pet owner should become informed on both sides of the collar argument before choosing to get for their dog or to avoid them completely.