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Tropical Fish Care Advice For Beginners

2016/5/3 9:25:34

This article is aimed at anyone who is just beginning their fish keeping journey. Inorder to succesfully care for and keep fish healthy and happy there are many things which you need to be aware of and be able to implement within your fish tank. This short guide aims to give the new fish keeper some helpful tips and advice, which I have learnt over a period of time whilst caring for my own fish. One simple mistake in caring for your tropical fish could be fatal for your fish!

Firstly, for the complete beginner it is crucial that a fish tank is setup with everything it needs (including water!) and left for two weeks before ANY fish are introduced into the tank. Doing this gives the filter a chance to create the bacteria that it needs to break down all of the additives that are put into tap water. Once the two weeks have passed then fish should be added slowly and gradually - your local fish supplier will be able to advise on this depending on the size of the tank that you have.

Another simple yet effective thing that we have learnt when keeping fish is that installing a gravel filter tray has a significant impact on the quality of the water within the fish tank. Before we installed a gravel tray the water in our tank was very cloudy, yet once the gravel tray was in the water was instantly transformed and became crystal clear. Needless to say this increase in water quality has had a great impact on the living environment for our tropical fish.

One of the simplest and probably easiest things that a fish keeper can do to optimize living conditions within their fish tank is a weekly 25% water change. This process involves removing about a quarter of the water from the tank and then replacing this water back up to the desired level. Doing this on a regular weekly basis has made a huge difference to the quality of the living conditions in our fish tank.

All of the techniques mentioned in this article such as making sure your fish tank is properly setup before introducing your tropical fish, performing a regular water change and the use of a gravel filter tray are simple easy to do ways of enhancing your tropical fish care routine.  And there are many more effective methods which you can implement to keep your tropical fish in good health, which can be found at my website: