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Types of Bearded Dragons : A Look at Pogona Species Found Within the Pet Trade

2016/5/3 9:19:36
Eight types of bearded dragons can be found thriving throughout Australia's outback. However, because of strict laws against collecting any natural wildlife in Australia, only a few of these species can be found throughout the pet trade today. Currently, the Pogona vitticeps, P. henrilawsoni, and P. barbata are being bred and sold at ever-increasing rates all over North America and Europe. Let's take a closer look at each of these species.

Pogona vitticeps - Central or Inland Bearded Dragon (Ahl, 1926)

Also known as the Yellow-Headed Dragon, this is the most common type of beardie found within pet stores and amongst breeders today. These dragons are native to Central Australia, although they are found in nearly every state. Colors of this type vary greatly, ranging from brown and grey to red, oranges, whites and yellows.

The Inland dragons are the largest among all the species and an adult can grow to around 2 feet in length. An even larger version of this species is being selectively bred in Germany, earning them the moniker German Giants.

Pogona henrylawsoni - Black Soil Bearded Dragon (Wells and Wellington, 1985)

This attractive species is commonly known as the Lawson's bearded dragon in honor of the famous Australian author and poet Henry Lawson, but is also referred to as Rankin抯 bearded dragon or P. brevis.

These dragons are the second most popular species of bearded dragons to be kept as pets. Most of them are native to Queensland, and some can be found in the Northern Territory. They have a khaki/sand like color and have virtually no beard. As captive breeding success rates increase, so does the popularity of this specific dragon within the pet trade.

Pogona barbata - Eastern or Common Bearded Dragon (Cuvier, 1829)

The eastern bearded dragon is most common in the wooded parts of Eastern Australia, south of the Cape York Peninsula. Barbata (Latin for bearded), were the first species of bearded dragon discovered. They resemble a smaller central bearded dragon and are generally more aggressive.

They are a dark grey-black in color and is at times yellowish-brown, reddish-brown, or dark brown. Baby eastern dragons are paler in color than the adults and have patterns that fade as they mature. As it matures it develops a subtle pale yellow, blue, or green tinge on the forepart of its head. The adult males have a dark grey to black "beard".

You can also find cross-breeds such as a Vitikin (vitticeps and rankins), or wonderful color combinations that are produced through morphing. These "morphs" will cost you a few extra bucks, but having a bright neon yellow, or blood red beardie is pretty cool and is even nicer on the eyes than your average beardie.