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Dog Health and Grooming – Simple Steps for a Healthy Dog

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What can you do to improve the health of your dog, its coat, and
its skin that is cheap and effective? Grooming that’s what! A
small investment of time and money for grooming can yield
numerous benefits for your dog’s health!

Is your dog’s coat looking dull, tatty and matted? Is your dog’s
sad looking coat causing you to worry about his/her overall
health? Sometimes the simple things can often provide very
effective benefits, and in the case of the health of your dog,
grooming is one of these simple measures that can yield big

Dog health and grooming go hand in hand as the act of grooming
has numerous benefits that can help prevent many dog health
problems before they arise. Like humans, regular grooming and
attention to changes in the skin, eyes, and teeth can help
maintain health and prolong the life of your pet, as many
indications of possible health problems are noticed and
addressed before they progress to something more sinister.

Health Benefits of Grooming

* Grooming removes dead hair leaving only the healthy hair
behind, which immediately looks better. It also lets air
circulate through the coat better reducing any odor, keeps the
dog cooler, and looks cleaner. It is also a good idea to bath
your dog regularly with a quality dog shampoo to further improve
the benefits of general grooming.

* Grooming stimulates blood flow, which in turn improves blood
supply to the hair follicles working wonders for the health of
the overall coat.

* Grooming also stimulates the lymphatic system, thus having a
positive affect on the dog’s overall health in the same way that
a massage does for humans.

Residual Benefits of Grooming

Aside from the more obvious physical health benefits of
grooming there are other benefits such as: –

* Bonding with your Dog – While grooming your dog you are
helping to create a bond between you and your pet because of the
physical touching and interaction. This also has a positive
effect on the dog’s emotional state as it feels more comfortable
and safe in your hands. Dogs always love the attention they get
during grooming.

* Knowing your pet – While grooming your dog you get to know
your pet better and know what he/she likes or dislikes, and its
favorite and least favorite places to be touched or brushed.
Knowing your pet will help you to notice any changes that may
indicate a health problem, for instance if your dog suddenly
flinches when touched in an area where it usually loves to be
touched would alert you to investigate the cause of the

* Spot Possible Health Dangers – While grooming your dog you can
check the skin for possible skin rashes and problems like hair
loss or lumps. Also check for signs that your dog has been
scratching a certain area of the skin which would indicate some
sort of irritation such as worms, fleas, mites or ticks. Ticks
in particular can be deadly if left undetected and a thorough
visual check of the dog’s skin should be a regular part of your
dog health and grooming strategy. It is a good idea to check the
eyes for any signs of sight or health problems while grooming
your dog. Also check the pads and nails of the paws for problems
that may require attention along with the teeth for signs of
decay or gum problems.

Possible Bonus Benefit for You

If you find that you enjoy grooming and become quite competent,
you may consider starting your own dog grooming service to make
a few extra dollars or perhaps turn it into a full time
business. Dog grooming services are in high demand and can be
very profitable. There is nothing better than making a living
doing something that you enjoy.

What You Need to Start?

It is important to get the right grooming tools and information
on grooming techniques. The internet has is a wealth of
information about grooming along with numerous sites that sell a
range of grooming tools. Other sources are local pet supply
stores or alternatively most towns and cities have a local dog
association where dog lovers can meet and exchange ideas. Public
libraries may also have books on dog grooming.

The benefits to your dog’s health by regular grooming far
outweigh the small outlay of money for the grooming tools, and
time spent grooming. Your dog’s coat will look shiny and healthy
and the health of your dog’s skin will also be improved. Spend a
little time on your pet and he/she will love you for it.