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The Tibetan Lion Dog (Shih Tzu)

29 13:56:22

The earliest “Lion Dog” in Tibet had long hair, were small in
size and similar to the Maltese in type. As Tibet and China
exchanged traditions and beliefs of culture and religion, the
exchange of dogs became a two-way affair as well. The Chinese
definitely interbred their small dogs, which were of many
varieties, with the Tibetans with long hair, and the people of
Tibet no doubt interbred their small dog with those from the
Chinese people.

The outcome of this interbreeding eventually became the Shih
Tzu. The Chinese called the Shih Tzu “Tibetan Lion Dog.” The
Apso was also involved with the interbreeding practices. The
Tibetans called the Apso, “ApsoSeng Kyi” or “Apso Lion Dog.”

The Chinese tried to retain the characteristics they admired,
which was the unnaturally short face and broad head, the wide
barrel-like chest and the low-to-the-ground look.

The Tibetans, however, could not hold these same characteristics
because of the climate and environment of their land. Tibet is
an area of high altitudes. The very short face with restricted
nasal development (which incidentally gives many Shih Tzu lovers
a great pain to deal with at times) and the heavy body and short
legs of the Chinese Shih Tzu would be at a disadvantage in these
conditions. They could not breathe and survive in the high
altitudes of Tibet. The Lhasa Apso could survive in Tibet. The
Tibetans produced a dog slightly modified from the Chinese dog
of a similar ancestry which was the Lhasa Apso.

The Tibetan Terrier (also involved in the exchanges between
Tibet and China) is probably closes to the basic canine with a
long head, compact and natural in conformation. Then comes the
Apso, which begins to show the influence of some of the Chinese
type. This influence resulted in a smaller dog, shorter on leg
than the terrier relative, shorter nose than the terrier, and
the teeth and jaw formation revealed a shortening of the face.
The eyes are more frontally placed.

The eyes of the Shih Tzu have always been one of its most valued
signature characteristics. I have never met a Shih Tzu that did
not have a warm expression that radiated through its eyes. Some
Shih Tzu has this characteristic greater than others. They are
almost human-like.

When comparing the Shih Tzu to the Apso, one can see the most
distinct Chinese characteristics. I have had Shih Tzu that look
as if you are absolutely looking right at a Chinese in person. I
am amazed at how the Chinese accomplished this. It truly was a
work of art, as they did not breed according to pedigree as we
do. They bred according to a picture of their minds of what they
wanted the Shih Tzu to look like. Most of the time, their goal
was to create the Shih Tzu to resemble what they thought a Lion
should look like, and they apparently also, created Shih Tzu to
resemble themselves in the face.

Smallness must have been fashionable and something of a status
symbol in both the Apso and the Shih Tzu as well as the
Pekingese. The Pekingese were also involved in the
interbreedings to reduce size.

It should be noted here, however, that this article addresses
the history and development of the Shih Tzu breed. The American
Shih Tzu Club’s Code of Ethics clearly states it is against
their rules, ethics, standards to breed our present day Shih Tzu
with any other breed. It must be understood that this article is
not an endorsement of any kind of practice that is against the
rules and regulations of The American Shih Tzu Club or the
American Kennel Club. This is an article regarding the history
and development of our Shih Tzu.