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Beware of Holiday Goodies for your dog or cat

29 13:44:37

The holidays mean lots of rich and fatty foods for most people.
Who can resist …… candy, cookies, fudge, egg nog, pumpkin
pie, not to mention the home cooked meals and family
togetherness? It’s part of the spirit of the season. While we
may not be able to resist the urge to overindulge ourselves, we
can and should resist the urge to overindulge our pets. Let’s
face it, we all sneak a little table treat to our pets every now
and then. It’s hard to say no to those wanting eyes. And, the
excited look on their little face when they realize they are
getting a treat is priceless. But, tread lightly down this path!!

For one, animals have a very short span of contentment. Their
contented state lasts long enough for them to swallow the last
bite. Then, those wanting eyes are right back in your face,
watching your every move… expecting… hoping… guilting …
If you head down this path, be prepared to deal with it every
single time you sit down for dinner.

But, the annoyance of a begging animal is just a minor problem.
The bigger problem is that table scraps can lead to indigestion,
upset tummies, vomiting and diarrhea. Pets have a very sensitive
system. Upsetting the balance of that system can cause them all
kinds of health problems. Table scraps can also be high in fat
and sugar, which can lead to weight problems, heart problems,
and diabetes.

So, What are the Best Types of Treats? Treats that contain
wholesome, natural ingredients are a great alternative for
keeping your pets healthy and happy.  Consider treats that work
to improve the overall health of your pets.  There are many out
there that promote dental health, assist with achy joints, are
high in antioxidants, or vitamin enriched.