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How To Clean Cat Urine – Home Remedies and Commercial Products

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Anyone who has ever owned a cat has likely had the experience of
stepping in a cold puddle of urine on the floor at least once.
When it’s on linoleum or another washable surface, it’s not so
bad, but when it starts happening on carpet and rugs – then
you’ve got a real problem. Urine can soak down deep and the
smell can linger for months if not cleaned properly. Cats tend
to go back to the same area they’ve urinated before, and even
when we think the smell is gone, a cat’s nose knows exactly
where to do the dirty deed again.

Most people think that cat urine is worse than other types of
animal urine, but there really isn’t much difference. The
problem is that it tends to not be noticed right away or cleaned
up thoroughly, giving bacteria a chance to grow, producing the
funky ammonia smell. The longer it sits, the worse it gets. The
other problem is that it tends to seep down below the carpet
into the floorboards where you have no hope of getting to it
without pulling the carpet back. Not very practical if the cat
has urinated in the middle of the room.

Why cats choose to urinate outside the litterbox varies and can
be complicated. If your cat is doing it frequently, you will
want to consider the reasons behind the behaviour and ways you
can prevent future accidents. Here are some common reasons why
cats urinate in the wrong spots:

- Litter Box Problems. The litter box might be too dirty for the
cat or has a cover which is keeping odors trapped. You might
think the litter box is just fine, but a cat’s sense of smell is
far more sensitive than our own. As well, your cat may have an
issue with litter box privacy. Cats can be fussy about the
amount of privacy they have when relieving themselves,
especially if they have to share the litter box with other cats.

- Marking territory and dominance. Some cats like to urinate in
key areas as a way to say “This is my turf, just so you know…”
This is especially true of cats which have not been spayed or
neutered. There’s nothing worse than a male cat “spraying” on
furniture, the door, and everything else he feels needs to be
marked with the scent of his virility.

- Unfamiliar new objects or smells. Some people believe that a
cat will urinate in the wrong spot out of spite or jealousy. To
a cat, strange new items with strange odors like baby blankets,
jackets, and shoes are perceived as the presence of an intruder,
and so the cat may feel they need to remind that they are king
(or queen) of the house.

- Anxiety, Stress and other behavioural problems. Some cats seem
to have a lot of emotional baggage, especially if they have a
history of being abused or still being abused either physically
or verbally. These types of problems require special care.

- Health problems. Older and sick cats may have some health
problems you’re not aware of that require a vet’s attention.
Frequent urination, especially in the presence of other
symptoms, should always be investigated.

Cleaning cat urine effectively depends on many factors such as
where it’s located, how long it was left unnoticed, and the type
of surface it was deposited on. The most recommended products on
the market contain enzymes which cause a chemical reaction with
the urine to make it easier to clean. They break down the urine
and neutralize the odor. The best approach is to take a rag or
paper towels and soak up as much urine as possible first by
firmly pressing on the area, repeating until you’ve absorbed as
much urine as possible. A small carpet steamer can be helpful in
sucking the urine from the carpet. If using a commercial product
to clean the cat urine, it is best to follow the intructions on
the bottle from that point as each have their own properties and

Some products which have received good reviews include:

PETS Brand Stain & Odor Remover

Just for
Cats by Nature’s Miracle

There are few truly effective home remedies that work well in
removing cat urine odors and stains. What seems to work for one
person doesn’t work for another. Perhaps this is because
different urine-soaked surfaces require different methods or
solutions. Most people try dozens of things before finding
something that does the job and agree that bleach, perfume-based
products, and ammonia-based products do not work and likely to
make the problem worse.

Here are a few home remedies that some people have found useful:

Vinegar and Baking Soda – First soak up as much of the urine as
you can, then soak the area with a mixture of 1/3 cup of white
vinegar with 2/3 cup of water and a little soap. With a clean
rag, soak up any excess liquid pressing firmly and repeatedly
until dry. Repeat this process using fresh water, and then use
another rag to soak up the remaining liquid. After this,
sprinkle some baking soda on the area and vaccuum up in 24

Peroxide – Some people claim peroxide works well in cleaning up
cat urine and stains, though this can be tricky on surfaces
which might discolor easily. Supposedly, peroxide breaks down
the components in the cat urine which cause stains and odor.
Pour a small amount directly on the area and allow to dry. Then
rinse with warm water and soak up with a rag or paper towel.

Listerine Mouthwash – A number of people claim this helps
eliminate cat urine odors when a few drops are added to your
water & vinegar solution, or when mixed with a peroxide
solution. It can also be mixed with just hot water and dabbed on
the area. Most likely this is because of the amount of alcohol
in Listerine.

As you can see, the issue of cleaning cat urine is complicated
and there are no easy answers or quick fixes. You must be
willing to consistently balance preventative measures with
adequate cleaning methods and simply hope that your efforts will
resolve the problem with time and persistence.