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Training your dog not to fear loud noises

29 13:35:10

Loud noises, such as fireworks, thunder and traffic, are one of
the most frequently cited fears given by dog owners. It is
natural for some dogs to be fearful of loud noises, but some
dogs are so traumatized by thunder, fireworks and other loud
noises that they are completely unable to function.

Dogs that display excessive fears or phobias such as these can
be a danger to themselves and those around them. Dogs may
manifest their fear in self-destructive ways, like slinking
under the couch or the bed and getting stuck, for instance. They
may also react in ways that are destructive to the home, such as
urinating or defecating on the carpet, chewing up favorite
items, or barking incessantly. These reactions are often worse
when the owner is not at home.

One thing that is hard for many dog owners to understand is that
soothing or stroking a dog that is displaying fear is exactly
the wrong thing to do. While it is natural to try to calm a
fearful dog, to the dog you are rewarding it for being afraid.
The dog likes the sound of your voice, likes your petting, and
concludes that he has done the right thing by acting afraid.
This only makes a bad situation worse.

The best strategy when the dog displays fear when there is a
thunderstorm or a fireworks display is to simply ignore the dog.
It is of course important to watch the dog to make sure he does
not hurt himself, but otherwise just ignore him and let him work
through the fear on his own. When you go away, be sure to make
sure there is nothing the dog can get stuck under, since
fireworks or a thunderstorm can pop up at any time.

A dog that is severely afraid of thunderstorms and other load
noises may need to be confined to a single room, or even a
crate, for a period of time. After the dog feels safe in his
“den”, he may be able to deal with his fears a little better. It
can be quite a struggle to teach a dog not to be afraid of
thunderstorms, firecrackers and other such noises, but it is
important that the dog at least be able to control his fears
without being destructive to himself or his environment.

Using distraction Much as magicians use sleight of hand to hide
their tricks, so dog owners practice the art of distraction to
take their dog’s mind off of their fear. For instance, if your
dog is afraid of thunderstorms and you know one is on the way,
gather some of your dog’s favorite toys and get ready for the

Of course, your dog will probably know the thunderstorm is on
the way before you do. When you see your dog start to display
fear, take a few of his favorite toys and try to get him to
play. Very fearful dogs may be reluctant to play, but it is
important to try nevertheless. Often a few treats can be a good
distraction as well. Try buying one of those balls that you can
fill with treats or biscuits, and encourage your dog to chase

Try playing with your dog every time a thunderstorm is in the
forecast. This can start to implant good memories, and these can
sometimes replace the fear memories that caused the dog to be
afraid of thunderstorms in the first place.

Desensitizing your dog’s fear Desensitization is a highly
effective way to deal with phobias and fears in humans, and it
can be very effective for dogs and other animals as well.
Desensitization involves introducing the dog to small amounts of
whatever noises frighten him. For instance, if the dog is afraid
of thunder, try tape recording your next thunderstorm and play
it back slowly when the dog is relaxed. Reward the dog for not
showing fear responses. If he does show fear responses, do not
comfort or soothe him but just ignore him.

This kind of desensitization training can be remarkably
effective for some dogs, but it will take lots of patience and
hard work. Fears of thunder and fireworks are not always easy to