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Hip Dysplasia And Golden Retrievers

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Hip Dysplasia And Golden Retrievers

     Hip Dysplasia is simply an abnormal formation of the hip joint. It is similar to looseness in a joint, which should normally fit tightly into its socket. Consequent problems that can occur would happen as a result of this looseness.

Genetics plays an important role in the expression of Hip Dysplasia and it has been observed that there is a 25 to 85% chance of a dog inheriting this problem from its parents. The dog's environment also plays an important role in observing signs of Hip Dysplasia.

In fact, a good environment can suppress onset of Hip Dysplasia, even in those dogs whose parentage had it earlier. These are some of the things you should take care of. Symptoms include sudden lameness, or the inability to walk properly in Hip Dysplasia and Golden retrievers having it are also likely to get arthritis when they grow older.

Nutrition plays a vital role in Hip Dysplasia and Golden retrievers with proper nutrition have been able to arrest growth rate and reduce the potential to develop Hip Dysplasia. You need to make sure that your dog is not overweight and is eating the right amount of fat and protein. The idea is not to starve the animal, but to give it the right nutrition and watch its weight.

It has also been observed that dogs, which live in homes with slippery surfaces, are also going to be prone to get hip difficulties. For example, if you have marble flooring at home, make sure your golden beauty moves around in an environment where they can get a good grip on the surface they are walking on. Sometimes, you will not know that your dog has Hip Dysplasia until there is a lot of wear and tear with age in his muscles, and it begins to become noticeable.

You can operate and have surgery to remove Hip Dysplasia. If it can be done, you should seriously consider this option as it is the only way your dog will be able to lead a normal life. Of course, surgery can be taxing both mentally and physically, and is not a matter to be taken lightly. Golden retrievers can withstand a good amount of pain, and will not show any sign of complaint.

Even though they may be in pain, you will not know it. This is why you need to come forward, take the right decision, and give relief to your dog in the best manner possible with the options open to you.