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The Confidential Dog Food Report

29 11:59:36

The Confidential Dog Food Report

     Let's continue with this critical information...

"Commercial Dog Food is Killing Your Dog,
Hear What The Experts Have to Say..."

The widespread disease and death of dogs from nutritionally inadequate and poison-laden commercial dog food is no secret in the world of vets and dog experts....

"Experts 'Come-Forward' About Commercial Dog Food Scandal.."

Leading dog-health author, Ann N. Martin, sums up the state of commercial dog food in a single sentence..

"Most commercial pet foods are garbage"


World-famous vet and dog-care author Alfred Plechner, says the poor nutritional properties of commercial dog food inevitably lead to disease..

"Because many commercial foods are woefully deficient in key nutrients, the long term effect of feeding such foods makes the dog hypersensitive to its environment. . . .

It's a dinosaur effect. [Dogs] are being programmed for disaster, for extinction.

Many of them are biochemical cripples with defective adrenal glands unable to manufacture adequate cortisol, a hormone vital for health and resistance to disease."


Debra Lynn Dadd, author of 'Home Safe Home' says commerical dog food company claims their product is a complete and healthy meal are false..

"Many pet foods claim to be "100% nutritionally complete and balanced." This claim legally can be made and printed on commercial products based on information studies using isolated nutrients and not whole foods

.. these tests ignore important nutritional issues and give ... consumers a false sense of knowledge and security.

There are more than forty known, essential nutrients... thus, making sure a food contains appropriate amounts of only a dozen of these nutrients can't possibly assure that a food is "complete."

WARNING: If you continue to feed your dog commercial dog food, death-by-disease is practically guaranteed! You must find an alternative and it doesn't have to mean spending more money.

So if you love your dog, drop everything, bolt the door and take the phone of the hook because this story is the 'wake-up call' that saves the life of your own beloved canine .

I pray you have not seen the following symptoms in your own dog..

"The Death of Your Dog Looks Like This.."

Slowly, I began to notice something unusual about Noble. He didn't have the same bounce to his step that he was famous for. At times he even seemed reluctant to go for our regular exercise, which was always the highlight of his day.

I dismissed it as him feeling a bit off or maybe a touch of laziness... but it didn't pass, in fact it got worse and then worse still.

I eventually took him to the local vet and was told his kidneys were failing and soon, he would be dead.


As in gone..... forever!.

"But, but... he's so young, so strong, so happy... I don't understand, how could this be?"

Devastated, with tears welled in my eyes, I chocked back the urge to sob and listened for my vet's reply...

"The Next Words From My Vet's Mouth Flooded Me With Rage! He Said, 'Andrew...."

I'm usually a calm and relaxed guy... it takes a lot to 'shake my tree' but the facts my vet shared with me that day made me tremble with anger and resentment.

He said..

"Andrew, I'm very sorry to tell you but Noble is dying.

"The preservatives found in the commercial dog food you feed him have destroyed his kidneys.

"He will be dead in 3 weeks, maybe 4 and it's too late to prevent it.

"You see, the major dog food companies fill their precessed food with preservatives to increase it's shelf life and maximize their profits.

"They know these preservatives kill millions of pets every single year but without them, their profits would not be as large... and that is the bottom line..

"Andrew, Noble is dying for the sake of fattening company profits!".

[I later discovered through my own research, preservatives are not the only reason dog food kills dogs, more on that soon... you'll be outraged!]

"Rage, Pain, Despair?
What Would You Feel If Your Dog Was Murdered?"

For a moment my mind was completely blank... and then from a dark place within me, rose a violent tempest of anger and resentment.

Rapidly it forced its way to the top of my consciousness until, almost involuntarily, my head snapped back and I bellowed a painful and frustrated wail... but alas, I was powerless to save the life of my best-friend..

You should never have to stand over the dead & diseased body of your own sweet dog because companies spending millions of dollars each year to get your trust, are simultaneously taking your money and selling you poison, knowingly!

I've spent the past 3 years researching the truth about commercial dog food and proper canine health and nutrition.

This is the terrifying truth I discovered...

"Commercial Dog Food is Killing Your Dog Because.."

My own vet said commercial dog food killed my dog, Noble, because preservatives it contains caused his kidneys to fail.

In fact, through my own research I discovered dog food contains at least 6 deadly chemicals that have been banned from human foods because they cause:

Kidney cancer

Bladder cancer

Skin cancer

Stomach cancer

Spleen cancer


Liver dysfunction

Major organ failure

Immune system collapse

Severe allergic reactions

Birth Defects


Chronic Diarrhea

Hair Loss and

Behavior problems, including increased aggressiveness --> very dangerous if your dog is around children
And if you think, like I did, that buying foods labeled as chemical and preservative free makes them safe, think again... it's just more lies!

'Chemical and Preservative Free' Labeling a Lie. Experts Expose Truth..

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and author, Henry Pasternak, rips back the veil of lies about dog food labeling..

"Many pet foods advertised as "preservative-free" do, in fact, contain preservatives.

..manufacturers don't have to list preservatives that they themselves did not add.

Many preservatives make their way into pet food at rendering plants before the meat is even sent to the manufacturer. An analysis of several pet foods labeled "chemical free" or "all natural ingredients" found synthetic antioxidants in all samples."


Henry Pasternak also reveals..

"Although you won't see it on the label, since it is often added at the rendering plant and not by the manufacturer, ethoxyquin (EQ) is used to preserve most dry pet food.

EQ is the most powerful of all preservatives and may be the most toxic.

The use of EQ is ... permitted in pet food.

...factory workers exposed to it exhibited side effects similar to those of agent orange:

a dramatic rise in liver or kidney damage,
cancerous skin lesions,
hair loss,
fetal abnormalities, and
chronic diarrhea.
In animals, EQ has been linked to:

immune deficiency syndrome;
spleen, stomach, and liver cancers;
and a host of allergies."


Best-selling pet care author, Ann N. Martin, reveals why foods labeled as 'chemical and preservative free' are actually chock-full of deadly poisons...

"Before these animal parts and by-product used for pet food are shipped from the slaughterhouse to the rendering plant, the by-product is "denatured."

This means that crude carbolic acid, cresylic disinfectant, or citronella, is sprayed on the product."

WARNING: Stop believing the lies told you by smiling dog breeders and vets representing the dog food industry... These multi-billion dollar companies are manipulating you! Let me show you how to escape.

Here's another dirty trick they pull on us and our dogs, it is shameful and deadly.. read on..

"Is Your Dog a Cannibal? Think Again.."

Prepare to be horrified..

Your dog's food contains dead pets, mostly cats and dogs!

The city of Los Angeles alone, for example, sends some two hundred tons of euthanized cats and dogs to a pet food plant every month.

Not only is this immoral and disgusting... it's deadly.

The true horror is the drug used to kill these stray and abandoned animals, Sodium Pentobarbital, is not broken down by the manufacturing process and is still present in active form in your dog's food!!

And dog food companies don't stop with pets, your dog is also eating euthanized animals from zoos, animal control and putrid, decaying road kill.

All of these dead animals and other ghastly materials are processed until the portion left over for dog food production is a brown powder, which consists of ...

25% fecal matter - yes, 25% animal crap! [Author, Howard F. Lyman]

"Journalist Exposes Ugly Link Between Dog Food & Dead Pets"

Author and research investigator, Ann N. Martin discovers vets have known for years the dangers of feeding dogs euthanized animals but still it continues..

"This [using euthanized animals in dog food] can be problematic because sodium pentobarbital can withstand the heat from rendering.

For years, some veterinarians and animal advocates have known about the potential danger of sodium pentobarbital residue in commercial pet food, yet the danger has not been alleviated."


She continues on to reveal, not only is your dog eating dead pets, but he or she is also eating the collar, ID tags and plastic bags they are put in..

"It is not uncommon for thousands of euthanized dogs and cats to be delivered to rendering plants, daily, and thrown into the rendering vat鈥攃ollars, I.D. tags, and plastic bags鈥攖o become part of this material called "meat meal."

WARNING: If you think your dog deserves better, it's your responsibility to act now before it becomes fatally ill. The solution is simple once you know how (and cheaper), that's what I'm going to show you.

That's a lot so far to take in, so..

"Let's Step Back For a Moment & Summarize.."

You've just discovered that these multi-billion companies, that bombard you

night-and-day with advertising intended to get your trust and make you believe they care about you and your dog....

.... are in fact taking your hard-earned money with one hand and passing you with the other, a deadly, nutritionally inadequate, dog-killing cocktail which includes:

Preservatives, known to inflict on our innocent dogs, horrendous diseases like multiple cancers, kidney failure, liver failure, immune system collapse and many more heartless ways to die.

The processed faeces (crap) of other dead animals.

Putrid road kill.

The decaying carcasses of dead dogs, cats, zoo animals and animal control

The deadly poison, Sodium Pentobarbital, used the kill the animals mentioned above by lethal injection.

Pet collars, flea collars, ID tags and plastic bags

No more!!!

If you continue to feed your dog exclusively on commercial pet food, you are dooming them to a painful, traumatic death - an innocent death! And now that you know the truth, you too can be held responsible if you do nothing about it.

Here's the solution..

"This Is What You Must Do, Starting Today, If You Want Your Dog To Live.."

If you want to save your dog from the horrific death suffered by hundreds of other dogs in your local area, probably in the last year alone, then you MUST follow these 3 steps:

Step 1 - Stop using commercial dog food as your dog's only or main source of food. This step is the most important and you should make the change in the next couple of days.

But you can't make this change unless you have a good alternative plan in place.

I can show you a proven alternative plan, it's much easier than you think and much cheaper than you're spending now. I'll get to that very soon.

Step 2 - Learn how to read commercial dog food labels.

I understand it's not practical for most people to never use commercial dog food ever again. Although not best case, you can use it sparingly for maybe a few meals during the week.

(If this is you, you need to hear about The Confidential Dog Food Report.. I mention it in Step 3 below)

The Grocery Manufacturers of America, the National Food Processors Association, and the Pet Food Institute join together and fight the FDA to keep the terms used as confusing and misleading as possible.

I learned how to decipher their deliberate 'double-talk' and I'll show you how to understand it too...again, that's coming soon.

By-The-Way --> I paid a professional field researcher $500.00 to gather confidential-intelligence on the 10 very best, ultra-healthy Commercial Dog Foods available in all of Nth America.

Using my strict dog food ratings criteria , she could only find 9 that met the super-high standards I set!

I call it my Guilt-Crusher because for the first time ever, I can feed my dog commercial dog food (one of those found on the list) with ZERO guilt or worry about what it's doing to her body!

And now also for the first time I'm willing to share it with other dog owners. I tell you more about that in a while..

Step 3 - Get some healthy, well-balanced dog food recipes and start feeding your dog home made food. I have a huge collection I'm happy to share with you.

It's very easy, if you know how to cook specifically for dogs. Just cook a large batch, freeze it and it can be eaten over several days.

But be sure you have a good source of recipes written especially for dogs because they have very specific requirements, different to humans.

It's possible to love your dog to death with too much of the wrong foods.

Author and veterinary doctor, John M. Simon, says overweight dogs are...

"at increased risk for musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, respiratory, immune and reproductive disorders, including cancer."

I can show you how to easily complete each of those 3 steps and much more, here's how..

Introducing the 1-of-a-kind, step-by-step survival guide that makes your dog live a longer, healthier life, so you enjoy up to 8.3 more years of happiness & companionship than is statistically predicted.

Dog Food SECRETS鈩?br /> Dog Food SECRETS鈩?is your survival-guide to a healthier, happier dog that lives up to 8.3 years longer than dogs whose owners feed them commercial dog food and don't follow the comprehensive steps I outline for you.

Yes, it's been documented that dogs fed exclusively on specific, well-balanced, calorie-controlled, home-made recipes exactly like those found in this book AND follow the same principles of nutrition & calorie control I teach you, live up to 8.3 years longer.

Amazingly, that's like you living for an extra 57-years after statistics predict you should be dead!

Your dog & best-friend can live a very long
& happy life with these secrets & your help

If you've read enough, go here to get your copy now

"Dog Experts Prove, Balanced Home-Made Diet Increases Dog Lifespan By Up To 134%!"

Wendy and Jack Volhard are well-known & respected, 30-year dog training veterans. Wendy writes about how her dogs live to amazing old age through proper diet:

"We have made our own food for well over 30 years now, and our dogs are living longer and longer each generation.

Whereas the normal lifespan of a Newfoundland in 1998 was 6.2-6.7 years according to a national survey done by the Newfoundland Club of America, our dogs live up until 15 years of age."


In Dog Food SECRETS鈩?I show how you too can get these amazing results!

But to say it depends on diet alone is only telling half-the-story. You must also follow a complete, health-care regiment throughout your dog's life.

Don't worry, I'll show you EXACTLY what you need to do here also, so you don't have to spend weeks working it out yourself or giving up in frustration.

Let's take a look at some of the fantastic information you find inside your copy of Dog Food SECRETS鈩? that you can begin using today to keep your 'best-friend' by your side longer than you ever thought possible...

Discover which 3 deadly, cancer-causing, organ damaging preservatives to look for in the ingredients of commercial dog food. These poisons were banned from human food years ago!

Just this knowledge alone could save your dog from a painful, cancerous death. (Page 11)

Understand The 4 Percentage-Rules rules which govern how dog food companies must list their ingredients.

Deceit is purposely built into the system and without the information I show you, you are tricked into buying inferior 'crap' which doesn't contain what you've been lead to believe it does. (Page 6)

Now you can buy healthier and stop being ripped-off!

Discover the disgraceful truth about dog foods labeled as "premium," "superpremium" and even, "ultra-premium" or "gourmet".

This tip alone saves you $500/year/dog if you buy this type of food. (Page 8)

Find out what the terms 'Natural' and 'Organic' really mean when you see them on dog food packaging.

After discovering these dirty-secrets, you never buy the same way again! (Page 8)

I teach you 1 small word that makes the difference between your dog eating dead pets, road kill and diseased animals OR NOT.

Dog food companies spend millions annually to manipulate you into buying the cheapest, worst quality, most dangerous ingredients possible to maximize their profits.

Using the secrets I share with you, never be tricked again.

Witness the dog food industry's sinister 'Protein-Scam' exposed with all it's ugliness and learn how to detect it within 3 seconds of picking up a tin..

Dog food companies heartlessly exploit loophole which allows them to add a very cheap form of protein that has almost zero nutritional value to a dog instead of essential animal protein your dog needs to survive.

The long-term symptoms of eating this type of fake-protein include, but not limited to:

Weak or deformed bones

Chronic skin and ear infections

Chronic flea and worm infestations

Epilepsy and cancer


Aggression and

An impaired ability to heal from wounds.

Grab a copy now while its still $30-off

However, their deception is not perfect - I'll show you how to easily 'see-straight-through' this lie in 2 seconds, so your innocent dog doesn't have to pay the price. (Page 16)

Instantly become an expert in dog nutritional requirements with my simple-to-follow guide to the 6 major food components essential for dog health.

And understand, once-and-for-all, what percentage of each your dog should be eating and where to get them.

With this super-important information, not only are your friends hugely impressed by your knowledge, you also have a well balanced, happy dog. (Page 15)

Know in 1 second how many calories your dog should be eating every day with my At-A-Glance Body-Weight-Calorie-Chart.

Now you can easily feed your dog for maximum health and vitality, with the same scientific precision horse-breeders feed their million-dollar thoroughbreds. (Page 21)

Use the 'Varying Needs Calorie Chart' to quickly calculate the perfect-portions for your dog if you have colder than usual winters, hotter than usual summers, your dog is still a pup or your dog is overweight.

Now your dog can stay in top condition year round, especially if he or she spends a lot of time outdoors or still a young dog. (Page 23)

The calorie requirements of a dog change many times over its life-time. If you are not prepared your dog becomes life-threateningly obese or dangerously underweight.

Discover exactly how to calculate calorie requirement for your dog for maximum health if...(Page 21)

If it's been neutered, obesity is a major concern-- it' already the #1 dog-health issue in the US. Discover how to avoid 'loving your dog to death'.

If she is pregnant, know exactly when and how to adjust her intake, it's not what most people think!

If she is breast feeding, her requirements can literally change from day-to-day. If you get this wrong it results in a sick dog and dead pups --> I'll show you what to do for raising the perfect, health family.

If yours is a working dog, it's requirements compared to a house pet can be like the difference between night and day. Discover what it takes to keep your hardworker going day-after-day

If your dog is in it's geriatric years, it is especially susceptible to the ill-effects of incorrect calorie intake.

Problem is, geriatric years differ greatly from breed-to-breed and dog-to-dog. Use the same 5 indicators of old-age vets use to determine how to feed your dog the perfect caloric diet.

Discover nature's power-sources for.. (Page 23)

#1 best source of phosphorous, vitamins A and B, essential for optimal organ function

The 6 best grains to feed your dog for energy-giving carbs, so they can bound through life and stay young.

The 6 leanest types of high-quality protein for building muscle (not what you think!), so your dog can be powerful but lean.

The 8 best fruit snacks for a vibrant, vitamin-packed dog so it's internal systems function like a much younger dog.

The 5 quick and easy human brekky foods dogs love, that also fills them with superb nourishment for times when your dog is hungry but you're short on time.

Use my quick reference chart to determine with Weight-Watchers-Accuracy how many total calories, fat calories and protein are contained in a cup of the most common animal protein sources.

With this information it's possible to give your dog a meal they love that's also incredibly healthy --> everyone wins! (page 25)

Realize which 20 human-foods that, although delicious to you & I, are as good as nails-in-the-coffin to your dog. Use this list to stop yourself from killing your dog with kindness! (Page 24)

There's still plenty more I haven't told you about yet, but first take a look at what these dog owners like you had to say..

SUCCESS STORY #1 - Dr. Huddlestonsmith, M.D., and Dulcinea

"Thank you so very much for doing what no vet would take the time to investigate and recommend to me...other than to "put her down"..

I have switched her over to home cooked meals, as outlined [in Dog Food SECRETS], and she no longer has loose, foul smelling stools, and her skin is almost totally back to normal in less than one month!"

"Dulcinea had loose stools and skin difficulties from 8 weeks when I picked her up at the breeders. I tried basically every dog food on the market, but without success.

She developed such bad hot spots that I tried Benadryl which helped a bit, but then finally gave her 2 steroid injections (I am a retired Physician).

The hot spots disappeared, the skin calmed down, but then she started to lose her hair in spots all over her body. What had I done to m' Lady???

After trying every skin remedy out, I finally

took her to the vet. Skin scrapings showed generalized Yellow Mange.

The first advice [from the vet] was to put her down; now that really irked me, as the vet had not listened to the whole story. (By the way, she still had loose stools with mucus daily; foul smelling).

At 14 months, I wasn't about to put this fine lady down, so got to researching.

The Ivermectin Injections have killed the mange, the hair is growing back in, but the skin remained horribly inflamed.

Then, I purchased your "Gold Package", and finally realized that she was having food allergies to much of the crap that was in her dog food.

I have switched her over to home cooked meals, as outlined, and she no longer has loose, foul smelling stools, and her skin is almost totally back to normal in less than one month!

Thank you so very much for doing what no vet would take the time to investigate and recommend to me...other than to "put her down".

I have 4 other Bloodhounds (from 10 months up to 4 years old), and 5 puppies from a litter of 15. They all are getting the "good stuff", and finally love their food (instead of leaving it in the bowls).

Now the Knight-n-Troll's Sleuthhound Kennels recommends this diet and book to all that come to check out our dogs/purchase puppies."

Dr. David Huddlestonsmith, M.D., and Dulcinea
Columbia, Missouri

Your dog got similar problems? Go here now to do something about it

SUCCESS STORY #2 - Justin and Crackers

"After Only 1-Month of Following Your Advice, My
Dog Already Looks & Behaves 5-Years Younger!"

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it! My dog actually looks younger, it's amazing.

He's also got much more pep.

He slowed down somewhat in the last few years and I put it down to approaching old age, but since I started feeding him the way you teach, he's had a new burst of life!

Once again he's running instead of walking, alert instead of sleeping... it's like having the young-guy back again, I love it.

Pretty sure he's rather pleased as well!

Thanks heaps Andrew,

Justin Kyle & 'Crackers'
Salt Lake City, Utah

SUCCESS STORY #3 - Cassie and Sweetpea

"Now I Can Find The Best Quality Dog
Foods In 3-Minutes Without Frustration"

Sweetpea, my Shitzu is the love of my life!

Every time I bought a tin of dog food for Sweetpea, I stressed over what I would be feeding her because reading the double-talk (as you call it) on the can labeling is frustratingly difficult.

Now, after reading your book, I know exactly what to look for and what to avoid in dog food ingredients.

I love my dog and want to care for her the best I can, thanks for making that possible Andrew!

Thank you,
PS. I visited your site today and see you've added the Confidential Dog Food Report, it looks perfect for people like me who love their dogs but don't have the time to cook home meals... count me in for a copy

[There are more details about this special report on the order page - Andrew]

Cassie Overton & 'Sweetpea'
Orlando, Florida

SUCCESS STORY #4 - Darline and Maxine

"Maxine Has Lost 8lbs In 5-Weeks, She Looks
Better, Smells Better & Behaves Better!"

Maxine lost 8 lbs in 5-weeks & is behaving better since Darlene began following our recommendations
The biggest of our 3 kids is a beautiful 59kg (130 lb) Rottweiler called Maxine.

My other 2 kids (both human) , my husband and I are all quite sporty so it was a source of amusement amongst our friends that Maxine was a fatty!

I didn't like to hear her teased but as far as we knew, we were feeding her a decent diet of commercial dog food.

When I saw your book shows how to prepare calorie controlled meals for dogs, I knew I must find out how.

...and the results are astounding! She obviously looks better but to our surprise also has better breath, smaller, less stinky poos and seems to have improved self-control which we guess is from an improved diet.

[That's right Darleene, commercial dog food is full of sugar and preservatives all known to effect behavior unfavorably.. Andrew]

Now she's a beautiful beast for sure, a few more pounds and Maxine will be the cutest dog in town!

Best regards,
D. Christchurch

Darleene Christchurch & 'Maxine'
Sydney, NSW

Dog Food SECRETS can make a big difference in your dog, I guarantee it

SUCCESS STORY #5 - Mercedes, Allie and Panda

"Not only has Allie lost a lot of weight and is happier, Panda loves the food and licks the bowl when finished!!

"Their feces are not as smelly, smaller and dry. And their coats are really shinny and moist!!

I had big problems as one of my dogs, a mungril called Allie gained a lot of weight and I couldn't tell why cause she only eats dry dog food.

My other dog, a bearded collie called Panda, was quite slim as she didn't like that food and only ate a little when she was starving.

Since I tried your recipes, not only Allie lost a lot of weight and is happier, Panda loves the food and licks the bowl when finished!!

Their feces are not as smelly and are smaller and dry. And their coats are really shinny and moist!!

It's been only a couple of months and the difference is huge.

I'm never buying commercial dog food again as I wonder now what was I giving to my dogs before. And it's costing me much less as well.

Thank you for your books. They opened my eyes.

Mercedes, Allie and Panda
Dublin, Ireland

SUCCESS STORY #6 - Betty & David and Brandy & Duke

"Everytime we bring them to the vet's she is amazed at what good shape they are in and how clean they are...

"I tell her it's their diet. I only wish I had your books a few years ago for my german shephard dog. I know it would have helped her too."

Hi, My husband and I raise Rough Collies.

Brandy is our female, a beautiful sable and white.

Unfortunately, she was not doing well on store bought dog kibbles. Her coat was not growing in and she shed a lot- lots more than I believe Collies should!

I searched the internet looking for answers since most breeders and vets recommend only high price dog food. Since we have 4 dogs we didn't want that expense.

I found your site and bought you e-books. Since we were already feeding table scrapes it made sense to me to go that way.

Now [since following your recipes and feeding advice], Brandy has a beautiful coat, lots of energy, and smells really good. As an added bonus since we always sprinkle garlic on their food, none of our pups have fleas!

Brandy will turn 2 yrs old in a few weeks and just delivered 11 healthy collie pups less than 2 days ago! She has her figure back, is eating well and her coat looks great!

I'm convinced it's because we feed her "people" food. She is getting a cup of puppy chow along with her good food as she is nursing so many pups.

Right now I have her on a high protien diet.

The proud papa, Duke, is on the same diet and he looks stunning also. We also have a 10 yr old terrier and a mixed breed that are looking and acting younger since on this diet.

Everytime we bring them to the vet's she is amazed at what good shape they are in and how clean they are. I tell her it's their diet. I only wish I had your books a few years ago for my GSD. I know it would have helped her too.

Thanks for setting us on the right track so we can enjoy many years with our beloved fur babies!

Betty & David White and Brandy, Duke and team
Durant, OK, USA

SUCCESS STORY #7 - Michelle and Mia & Buddy

"Unfortunately, his joints are feeling so much better, that he feels the need to jump the fence again...

"We were amazed to see him not only jump the fence but clear it by a foot!"

The reason I got Dog Food Secrets was because a few months ago my cat Siris died at age 3 from kindey failure.

I was devestated.

Mia (my new puppy) has helped me deal with that. I am still having a hard time coping when I think of how Siris suffered.

I won't make the same mistake with Mia.

Being just a puppy, I don't have any wonderful stories for her. But I do have an uplifting story from Buddy.

Buddy is 7 years old (he is my brothers dog). Buddy had been having some joint problems and tiring very quickly.

Some kind person warned me that big dogs don't live as long as smaller dogs. I am sure they were trying to prepare me for what they thought were his last days.

When I found Dog food secrets, I started Buddy on the food as well. He is now keeping up with Mia who is 4 months old.

Unfortunately, his joints are feeling so much better, that he feels the need to jump the fence again. We were amazed to see him not only jump the fence but clear it by a foot! .

I am very please that he doesn't smell like he used to. He doesn't have as much gas and his breath has improved.

I look forward to many more years with Buddy and a long happy life with Mia.

Thank you!

Michelle Schroder and Mia & Buddy

Michelle Schroder and Mia & Buddy,
Rapid City, SD

SUCCESS STORY #8 - Mary and Hope & Faith

"The girls like homemade much better than store bought. Plus it saves TONS of money and I know what they are eating."

For Mofre Information:Click Here!

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