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About Akita Dog Grooming

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About Akita Dog Grooming

     Compared to the other long haired breeds, the Akita dogs are often much easier to maintain. They have a resilient, odorless fur coat that requires no extra cutting or trimming as compared to Poodles or Chow Chows. All you have to do is occasionally brush them down in order to avoid their coats from getting tangled into knots.

Another thing to consider is the upkeep of their nails. They have very hard nails and once you hear them strutting in your home to a click click sound then it is time to cut the nails. If your house is made of concrete or he usually plays on concrete ground, their nails are automatically filed so there is no need to further shorten their nails.

To much cutting my damage their paws and you'd end up hurting your dog altogether. Most Akitas dislike having their nails cut and if your dog growls on you, it is better to bring him to the vet and have his nails clipped there.

Aside from the nails, since your dog's coat is thick, beware when he sheds. Well, usually, Akita dogs shed around twice a year. They loose their undercoats to be able to grow a new one. If the weather is warmer, you can opt to give your Akita dog a warm bath. Remember not to use cold water since this will mess up the natural oils of the fur coat. You do not want to surprise your dog since they can become restless and it would be more difficult to run around the house dripping wet and soapy.

During these routine grooming, it is also the best time to search for lumps, bumps and warts. Also look for hardened calloused parts especially on the legs since they are prone to cracking one they get too dry, your dog might risk an infection if not treated at the right time. You see, the Akita dog's health condition is a little risky due to the cross-breeding and genetic complications its bloodline has achieved over time.

Always keep in mind that grooming your dog should begin in the earliest stage - when he is still a little puppy. Akitas have the need to get accustomed to too much flustering around their bodies so it would be best to make grooming a habit in their early years. By designating bath or brushing time can get your dog acquainted with the tools that you will be using as to not make it a difficult chore.

Finding ways to distract your Akita will not always work since you have to maintain a transparent relationship with your dog in order to get the chore done. They are easily trained by the way since Akitas are high intelligent dogs. So you can just repeat the grooming practice for a couple of times and sooner or later, you will be surprised that he can be as still as possible when you go about the trimming, cutting and brushing of his coat and nails.

Make it a habit to constantly check for other living organisms that seem to be residing in your dog's fur coat. Since his coat is outrageously thick and has a habit of jumping around and frolicking in your garden for the better half of the day, chances are he can bring home some new not so friendly friends called Fleas.

The best thing to do when giving him a brush down is to check in between hair strand and give it a run through with your fingers. The most common way of spotting if your dog is infested with fleas is that he usually scratches one part of his body. Thank the heavens during winter since these fleas cannot bear the severe cold temperature. Well, your Akita Inu will love winter season since he is really made for cold weathers.

Ticks and fleas are mostly active during April until October. It is not good to keep your dog indoors most of the time since he needs fresh air and have to run about and strengthen his legs. A trapped dog will lead to depression and you do not want a sad and depressed dog right? Akitas are known to be lively and spontaneous and keeping them indoors will hamper their own sunshine.

These fleas are a nuisance to your dog's health since it carries the parasite called the tapeworm. It is usually ingested when your dog scratches his body and the flea gets trapped in between his paws and he starts to clean it with his mouth. It is quite difficult to prevent this incident from happening but it is also a good thing to check and be attentive with your dog's actions.

Part of his grooming is the brushing of his teeth. Well, it is a custom for these Akita dogs to not paw away any leftover meals form their faces. Food will turn bad and will definitely be ingested by your dog and it will be the source of food poisoning.

Brush your dog's teeth everyday by using a special toothbrush designed for dogs. And also, use dog toothpaste. There is no special way of brushing their teeth. It is just like brushing your own. Always make sure that you clean the front fangs as well as the back. This can be tricky at times since if you have not trained your dog to keep still, you might get be bitten. But the chances of that accident from happening is quite rare since Akita dogs are known to be understanding and cooperative especially with their Alpha masters.

And also, do not worry if your dog does not know how to spit out the toothpaste. Well, it is alright so do not panic. The dog toothpaste is designed in a way that they can be ingested by the dogs without any harm happening to them. Never use toothpaste designed and created for humans. These products are not canine tested and may cause severe problems when your dog swallows it.