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How to Take Care of Long Haired Akitas

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How to Take Care of Long Haired Akitas

     As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to look after the well-being and maintenance of your pets. This is also true if you would like to own an Akita. This is a dog breed that originated in Japan. Back in the old days, only the regal and noble can own this type. But through time and because of many circumstances that come into play when it comes to pet ownership, even this breed becomes easy to find and acquire. There are also many pet owners who put their dogs up for adoption when they can no longer handle the responsibilities that come along with their pets.

Dog lovers are specifically attracted to long haired Akitas. This is aside from the fact that this breed is strong and very lovable. Long haired Akitas may be easy to get because this is part of their traits. But in order for you to have those that are obedient, you must provide enough time to train them and set your rules from the start about who is the master in the house.

Long haired Akitas may look intimidating. And they can really be aggressive to strangers and other pets. So you have to make sure that they will be mingled with other pets as well as be exposed to more people ever since they are young. This can help you to make them more obedient and be gentle to others.

Part of your responsibility aside from training your long haired Akitas, is to provide for their needs. You have to make sure that they eat right and get the nutrition that they need. You must also make sure that they get enough exercise in order to maintain their vigor and strength. If you are finding it hard to handle the length of their hair, here are some tips that can make the task easier and so that you will be able to care properly for your long haired Akitas.

1. This breed of dog has thick short coat that has two layers. You must keep it healthy by brushing it everyday. Through this, you will be able to maintain their coats shiny and clean. Every once or twice a year, your Akitas will shed, which may take about several weeks. To minimize the process of shedding, you can help your dog by brushing their coat regularly. You must choose the type of brush that is thick and strong.

2. When the dog is already shedding for two weeks, you must give them a bath to get rid of the excess hair. This breed is known for its good smell that is why they don't require much bath. But if they are shedding, you must do so in order to help them remove the hair that falls off during the process.

Aside from these, your Akitas are very easy to handle. You just have to make them eat right and exercise regularly. You can take them to brisk walks every morning or every night. You must be careful in choosing their activities. Do not train them to be aggressive if you don't want to suffer the consequences. You should also take them to vets to give them proper supplements that can maintain their good health.