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Basic Training Tips For Your Puppy

29 11:55:34

Basic Training Tips For Your Puppy

     Getting a new puppy is a joyous occasion, they are so sweet and adorable, but then comes the time you need to house train or crate train your puppy. This, you will find is not always easy or fun, keep in mind your pet is not responsible for their bladder or bowel movements when they are puppies. Dogs are pack animals, they either identify or want to be the pack leader, so the sooner the dog identifies you as the leader the better, because this will help him to follow your instructions. They don抰 know the difference between indoors or outdoors. You are responsible to show them the proper place to relieve themselves. You may find your puppy having a few accidents, so be patient, persistent, and create a routine with your puppy.
When you start your training, you should always pick the same spot in your yard, in the beginning, take your dog out every 30 minutes or so. You may increase the time to take it outside as the dog gets accustomed to the training. Set a schedule, and try to take the dog out at the same time each morning, feed it at the same time, and taking it out half hour after eating. Meals should be first thing in the morning and before bedtime at night, but don抰 make it too late, usually 1 to 2 hours prior to bedtime is good, that way it can relieve itself before bedtime and it won抰 bother you to go out during the night.
The pup will give you certain signs before it needs to relieve itself, it will either sniff, scratch, pace, circle or even come to you, when that happens take them out immediately. It is good practice to use the same exit that will make him or her understand where it needs to go when it is time to go. If your puppy has an accident do not punish the dog, it will only confuse the pup and can undo everything you have done so far. If you find your puppy doing its business in a different spot, give it a stern NO and take it to the proper area immediately, this will reinforce the thought that this is the location it needs to go too. Pick a word that you use all the time so the dog can associate it with going outside, words such as 搘ant to go outside, ?揼ot to go peepee,?whatever works for you. When the pup does relieve itself, praise it and reward it with a treat.
Try not to leave your dog alone for a long period of time, remember a puppy cannot hold its bladder like an adult dog. In the beginning stages make sure there is someone home to let the dog out, so not to disrupt the training. You can also enclose the dog in a room that has flooring, so it is easy to clean up if it happens to have an accident. Another way to train your pup is by using a crate. Dogs do not like to soil their sleeping area, the crate should be big enough for the puppy to lie down and move around, but not too big that it will use a corner of the crate to do its business if left in there too long. If you are working come home during lunch time to let it out or have someone come by, either a friend or a neighbour. Try not to keep your pet in the crate any longer than a few hours at the time.
Remember patience and persistence is very important and before long your pet will understand what to do. It only took my dog 2 weeks and she was totally trained, so keep at it, be kind to your dog, love it no matter what and it will pay off.