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Handy Reef Aquarium Tips for Beginners

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Handy Reef Aquarium Tips for Beginners

     Gathering some reef aquarium tips can be very advantageous if you want to make the most of your reef tank. If you are a newbie reefkeeper, then you have to learn about these pointers all the more so you can do your job well. In this article, let us discuss some of the most useful tips in maintaining a reef tank.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is this: no ecosystem develops quickly. It really takes time for one to stabilize so you d better stretch your patience. Prioritize the location of your tank. The foundation should be strong and stable. The spot should also be accessible to drainage and water source, so cleaning up should not be too taxing.

As much as possible, your aquarium should be away from direct sunlight to prevent massive growth of algae. When you set up your aquarium, do not forget to place rubber mats under it as well as under the other pieces of equipment. The mats will not only protect your floor and wall but will also help isolate vibration.

Use a dog toothbrush in cleaning up the tank. Get the one which has large and small end so you can get even to the murkiest corner. You can use a big rose vase in catching fish out of the tank. Its large opening will make it easy for you to scoop the fish and its curve in the neck will stop the food from floating out. If your tank is deep, do not scrimp on investing on a step ladder. Two or three steps would do. Using chairs can be risky and is definitely not one of the best reef aquarium tips you can get.

When it comes to lighting, it is best that you use timers on them. Use those that are heavy-duty. To make things easier, you can mark your power cords, light cords, heater, etc. This will enable you to easily trace down which are working and which aren t.

Use a UPS system as back up for your power supply. If you have a small reef aquarium, one heater would do. However, if you have a larger system, it is best that you use multiple heating units.

Thoroughly research about proper stocking levels. In real life, sea creatures are very territorial; they defend their territories to death. You need to calculate their space accurately.

Setting up and keeping a reef tank is not exactly the easiest thing to do, but having one operating well can surely make a big difference in your life. Of course, just like other hobbies, you have to hone your skills to be good at it. These 12 reef aquarium tips can come in handy once you explore the world of reef tanks and assume the role of being a reefkeeper.