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4 Tips to a Happy Dog

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4 Tips to a Happy Dog

     How can you keep your dog happy? Well, there's more to it than just dog biscuits, table scraps, a nice dog house, a ball, and a daily 10 minute walk. Those things are all good, but there's a lot more to it. Many dog owners are confused and upset when their dogs seem to be having the blues. As a dog owner, what can you do to ensure that your beloved companion is truly happy?

* Know that your dog has a serious psychological problem. What is this serious problem? It's that she instinctively loves and desires to do certain things that are not compatible with human beings nor with living in human society. This means, just for example, digging up your rose garden beds just because they are there. In other words, your dog needs to be trained. Well trained. You can learn how to do your own dog training, but this takes time and serious effort. If you would prefer, and if you have the budget for it, it's a great idea for you to send your dog to obedience school. Your dog has to be thoroughly trained. If she's not, she will make you, your neighbors, and your guests unhappy. She could possibly make the local animal control officials unhappy. This in turn will make you unhappy. You in turn will constantly be punishing your dog. She will definitely be unhappy because of this. Train your dog.

* Baby your dog. No, this does not mean all the time in all circumstances. Sometimes your dog needs a gentle tap with a wiffle ball bat (notice I said gentle) or a good scolding to be put back in his place. But all in all, you should shower your dog with affection. He wants to be constantly petted, hugged, told that his good, and played with. You cannot spend every waking minute of every doing these things, but you get the picture. Whenever you have the time and freedom, go out of your way to show your dog how much you love him and how he is an integral part of the family or household.

* Give your dog a durable chew toy. What "durable" means depends upon the dog's age and the dog's size. Dogs need to chew things possibly more than cats need to sharpen their claws on things. Dogs have a natural and healthy instinct for chewing. But if they don't have a "dog outlet" for engaging in this behavior, they will soon be chewing things that you don't want and can't tolerate to have chewed. Give your dog specially designed rawhide bones, or a baseball, or (if his jaws are huge and powerful) a lacrosse ball for chewing. Whatever lasts for at least a week is the perfect chew toy for your dog.

* Will that breed of dog go along with your personality or your family? When you're considering a new dog, take a little time to research the dog's breed as well as asking the current owner (if there is one) all about the dog's personality. Know thy dog. If you bring home an incompatible dog, you'll make her miserable-and she will make you or your family miserable.

Follow these tips to keep your dog happy.